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Island Scan counts

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There are 33 fire attacks and 13 rock attacks in the game (ignoring Z moves). It should be possible to answer this question by going into a Showdown chat room, entering a /ds7 command for each pair of attacks (that's 429 pairs), and ignoring all the Pokemon that aren't in Sun. If you use the | (pipe character, not i or L), I think you need only 55 commands. I do not know an easier way to do this.

/ds7 flamethrower|fire blast|overheat,rock slide|rock tomb|stone edge,all should get you most of them, though.

Absol, Aerodactyl, Aggron, Arceus, Bagon, Bastiodon, Blaziken, Blissey, Camerupt, Celesteela, Chansey, Charizard, Charmander, Charmeleon, Combusken, Cranidos, Cubone, Darmanitan, Darumaka, Dialga, Dragonite, Drampa, Druddigon, Dunsparce, Eelektross, Electivire, Emboar, Entei, Exploud, Flygon, Gabite, Garchomp, Geodude, Geodude-Alola, Gible, Golem, Golem-Alola, Goodra, Gourgeist, Granbull, Graveler, Graveler-Alola, Grimer, Grimer-Alola, Groudon, Guzzlord, Gyarados, Heatmor, Heatran, Hydreigon, Infernape, Inkay, Kangaskhan, Kecleon, Kommo-o, Lickilicky, Lickitung, Loudred, Machamp, Machoke, Machop, Magcargo, Magmortar, Malamar, Mankey, Marowak, Marowak-Alola, Mawile, Mew, Mewtwo, Monferno, Muk, Muk-Alola, Munchlax, Nidoking, Nidoqueen, Numel, Palkia, Pansear, Pignite, Primeape, Pumpkaboo, Rampardos, Rayquaza, Reshiram, Rhydon, Rhyhorn, Rhyperior, Salamence, Shelgon, Shieldon, Silvally, Simisear, Slaking, Slakoth, Slugma, Smeargle, Snorlax, Solgaleo, Solrock, Tauros, Tepig, Torchic, Torkoal, Turtonator, Typhlosion, Tyranitar, Vigoroth, Volcanion, Zangoose

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