PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

Basically, what are the criteria for a shaking tree to spawn? Does the tree have to have berries/apricorns on it originally or no? If a tree has berries/apricorns on it, do I have to shake it and remove the berries/apricorns so it can shake later? Have dataminers found the odds of a shaking tree spawning?


1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

The chances have not been datamined, but are determined when you enter the map and will not refresh until you do the following.

  • Go back to Jubilife Village
  • Sleep until night (try doing morning if its night already when you went back)
  • Enter desired location

You do not need to do anything to the trees they will spawn regardless of them having it or not. Check this video for shaking tree data. that is the best guide visually.

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