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I know Dhelmise is one with Anchor Shot, and I think Pyukumuku, are there any others?


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Pokémon with Signature Moves that Don't Share a Type:

Partner Pikachu - Floaty Fall and Splishy Splash
Alolan/Galarian Meowth, Alolan Persian, Perrserker - Pay Day
Primeape - Rage Fist
Exeggcute, Kantonian/Alolan Exeggutor - Barrage
Jynx - Lovely Kiss
Partner Eevee - Baddy Bad, Bouncy Bubble, Buzzy Buzz, Freezy Frost, Glitzy Glow, Sappy Seed, Sizzly Slide, and Sparkly Swirl
Johtonian/Galarian Slowking - Chilly Reception
Stantler - Psyshield Bash
Phione and Manaphy - Take Heart
Manaphy - Heart Swap
White Kyurem - Fusion Flare
Black Kyurem - Fusion Bolt
Genesect - Techo Blast (Displayed as a Normal move, thought it can be Fire, Ice, Water, or Electric)
Skiddo and Gogoat - Milk Drink
Pyukumuku - Purify
Dhelmise - Anchor Shot
Cinderace - Court Change
Smoliv, Dolliv, and Arboliva - Terrain Pulse
Veluza - Fillet Away
Archaludon - Electro Shot

Pokémon with Former Signature Moves that Don't Share a Type:

Ekans and Arbok - Glare
Arcanine - Extreme Speed
Machamp - Strength
Hitmonlee - Mega Kick
Staryu - Camouflage
Mr. Mime - Substitute
Magikarp - Splash
Espeon - Morning Sun
Unown - Hidden Power (Displayed as a Normal move, though it can be Psychic-type)
Accelgor - Water Shuriken
Greninja - Mat Block
Pancham - Parting Shot
Goomy - Shelter
Chewtle and Drednaw - Jaw Lock
Impidimp, Morgrem, and Grimmsnarl - Confide


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