PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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For context I am playing ultra sun and am trying to create a team to beat my friend in a battle using standard rules (so Pokémon are capped at lv 50). I’ve been looking into maxing stats with Evs and ivs and potentially using the Pokémon pelago but does this even matter at all with the level cap?

How much EVs and IVs add to your stat total scales linearly with level. So they still matter just as much.

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Because 50 is half of 100, you'll need 8 EVs to raise a stat by 1 point. Natures still multiply the stat by 1.1 (rounded down).
There are a bunch of other ways to to make your Pokemon more difficult to knock out, like screens, protect, snarl, wide guard, heal pulse, "pinch" berries (Figy berry, Wiki berry, etc), damage-reducing berries (like Shuca berry), focus sash, assault vest, or intimidate.

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