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I found it weird that Platinum ended up with all the starters with two types.


3 Answers

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Best answer

In the Kalos games, all three starters have secondary types. Chesnaught has Fighting, Delphox has Psychic, and Greninja has Dark.

In the Alola games, all three starters have secondary types as well. Decidueye has Ghost, Incineroar has Dark, and Primarina has Fairy.

In Legends: Arceus, Hisuian Decidueye has Fighting, Hisuian Typhlosion has Ghost, and Hisuian Samurott has Dark.

In the Paldea games, Meowscarada has Dark, Skeledirge has Ghost, and Quaquaval has Fighting.

Therefore, the Sinnoh games are no longer the only ones with all three starters having secondary types.

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2 votes

Yes, in kanto blastoise is the only pure water type. johto had all pure types, and in hoenn, treecko remains a pure grass type through all of his evolutions.

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2 votes

Yes, and in Pearl/Diamond/Platinum, all starter can perform a super effective hits! like Torterra's Earthquake are super effective against Infernape and Empoleon. that's why platinum is the most game I like!

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