PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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In a format like Shared Power on Pokemon Showdown, you can have multiple abilities. If you have ability clones, like Huge and Pure Power, Prism Armor, Filter, and Solid Rock would they stack? If they do stack, is it multiplicative or additive? Like would Huge and Pure Power give you a 3x boost or a 4x boost?

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"Q: Do abilities stack? Will two Intimidate Pokemon give me two Attack drops?
A: No."
I know this, but these are technically different abilities, they have the same effect but different names
You'll probably get a better answer if you ask here: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/shared-power.3711011/
(the link in the previous comment is outdated)

1 Answer

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You didn't ask there, so I asked for you.

Do abilities stack if they're different abilities with the exact same effect (like moxie and chilling neigh, or filter, solid rock, and prism armor)?
They do.
If you stack filter, solid rock, and prism armor, you'd get a 0.75 0.75 0.75 = 0.4219 multiplier on super effective moves, right?
Right, so after the x2 for super effectiveness, you end up taking 84%. So taking a super effective hit will be better than a neutral hit.


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