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i am playing Pokemon heartgold and I need to choose the last remaining two members of my team I am between red gyarados or slowking and heracross or scizor the team in question is typhlosion togekiss umbreon and ampharos

Assuming you can trade only when you're evolving a Scizor, the red Gyarados is better than Slowking and the Route 43 Magikarp is better than both, mostly because it arrives at a higher level and has a higher attack stat. Heracross is better than Scizor because metal coats take a while to get and fighting is a better offensive type than steel.

You also have the option of not using any of these and just going with the 4 Pokemon you already have. Using less Pokemon means each Pokemon gets more experience and reaches higher levels.

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(assuming you can trade only when you're evolving a Slowking or Scizor)
In general, Pokemon that have a higher attack stat are better than Pokemon that don't, which is why I think Gyarados is better than Slowking. Additionally, you can find a level 50 Magikarp on Route 43, which is better than both Slowking and the red Gyarados.

Heracross is usually better than Scizor because the metal coat takes a long time to get and fighting is a better offensive type than steel. In the entire Johto Pokedex, there are exactly 5 Pokemon that are weak to steel and not weak to fighting.

You also have the option of not using any of these and just going with the 4 Pokemon you already have. Using less Pokemon means each Pokemon gets more experience and reaches higher levels.

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