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I am currently playing through Pokemon White. I am confused if my final member should be Vanilluxe or Haxorus because I need something against Dragon types. Please help me. Also feel free to suggest any Pokemon other than these two.

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1 Answer

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Though Vanilluxe isn't weak to Dragon moves, Haxorus is the more efficient option. This is for a few reasons:

  • Ice is a poor defensive typing
  • Vanilluxe has a shallow movepool; Ice Beam and Flash Cannon are practically its only options
  • Haxorus has obscene Attack
  • The Axew line has positive matchups into every major Trainer not named Brycen

Though Vanillite comes later and can help against Trainers like Clay, Haxorus is more flexible and can take KOs quicker. As long as it outspeeds --- which it should through normal levelling --- the lategame Dragon types offer little resistance.

Ability: Mold Breaker
- Dragon Dance (Level 32)
- Dragon Claw (Level 28)
- Brick Break (TM in Icirrus City)
- Rock Slide (TM in Mistralton Cave)

Haxorus has other viable moves like X-Scissor, Poison Jab, and Shadow Claw. You should cycle through these depending on the opponent.

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