PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Can one Pokemon such as Charizard first mega evolved, called back into the pokeball and then gigantamax

Obviously this is impossible in cartridge, but if you're asking on Showdown, no. Holding a Mega Stone forces a Pokemon to Mega, holding a z-crystal forces it to Z, and if you have neither you can dynamax/gigantamax.
This isn't an answer, someone else could do the testing on showdown and share the replays
That would be cool. But it’s impossible because first no games have both gimmicks, and second only 1 gimmick is allowed.
Are you asking about core series games, spinoff games, Pokemon Showdown, or something else?

1 Answer

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Like BananaBro said, it is indeed impossible to Dynamax a mega evolved Pokemon.
Here is the replay of me testing it with my alt: https://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen8natdex4v4doublesdraft-2199572388

Notice how the Rattata Dynamaxed, which meant that the Gallade could not Dynamax. However on the other side no Pokemon Dynamaxed and I switched out the Mega Sceptile to the Garchomp in order to 'Dynamax' it later, like this post says.
However once Sceptile switched in the place of Dewgong, Sceptile was unable to Dynamax.

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And obviously you can't Dynamax and/or Mega Evolve in the newer games.