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I’ve been trying to catch Pseudo-legendary Pokémon in Pokémon scarlet and have only succeeded in evolving my Pokémon in to Tyraniatar can someone please help me in finding the other Pseudo-legendary in Pokémon scarlet


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Dragonite: Not found in the wild
Dragonair: Casseroya Lake
Dratini: Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), South Province (Area Six)

Hydreigon: Not found in the wild
Zweilous: North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three), The Great Crater of Paldea, Glaseado Mountain.
Deino: North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain

Baxcalibur: Not found in the wild
Arctibax: North Province (Area Three)
Frigibax: Dalizapa Passage, Glaseado Mountain

Garchomp: Great Crater of Paldea (after defeating every titain)
Gabite: North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three), The Great Crater of Paldea, Glaseado Mountain
Gible: North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), North Province (Area Three), East Province (Area One), East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area One), West Province (Area Two), West Province (Area Three), The Great Crater of Paldea, Glaseado Mountain

Goodra: Not found in the wild
Sligoo: Casseroya Lake
Goomy: Tagtree Thicket, Casseroya Lake, North Province (Area One), North Province (Area Two), East Province (Area Three), South Province (Area One), South Province (Area Four), South Province (Area Five), South Province (Area Six), West Province (Area Three), Glaseado Mountain


METAGROSS (Indigo disk)
Metagross: Not found in the wild
Metang: Polar Biome (Lower half)
Beldum: Polar Biome (Lower half)

KOMMO-O (Kitakami)
Kommo-o: Not found in the wild
Hakamo-o: Oni Mountain
Jangmo-o: Paradise Barrens in the northwest of Kitakami

*NOTES: Some Pokemon like Hakamo-o, Deino, Zweilous and Frigibax are found in caves I believe. I did not include the violet-exclusive Pokemon because you asked for Pokemon scarlet and I did not include Tyranitar seeing how you already have one. All of these Pokemon pre-evolutions evolve via level up. Some final evolutions are found in tera raid battles and static encounters (not listed, easily found online no worries ;)))*

This website
Mr. Fish

Lemme know if I missed anything and I hope I helped! :)

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Thank you so much this is very helpful also seeing you included the DLC I do respect this but I don’t have the DLC
You said dragonite is not found in the wild I’m sure I saw one in the wild just yesterday
There are a couple static Dragonite encounters near that one bamboo area. Also, some of these like Baxcalibur and Goodra (iirc) can be found in Tera Raids.

Speaking of Goodra, this list is missing the Gible and Goomy lines.
Oh oops I’ll edit it in, also np :))