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Hi, I’m going on a bit of nostalgia run through the Pokémon games and have just finished fire red.

I got through the Pokémon league with a pretty bulky Blastoise, then articuno and zapdos helped with some of the typing issues.

I’m now playing SS and have started out with a totodile which is currently lvl 28 (just defeated Whitney) my original plan was to run through the game with feraligatr, gravler, amphros and a crobat but tbh I can’t really be bothered with all the levelling it’s gonna take them to get good enough for the end game.

So I was hoping instead to just tank through things with feraligatr as his movepool seems to deal with a lot of the game (planning on Surf, Cruch, ice fang/beam and was thinking of either putting a ground or fighting TM on him). And then one other Pokémon to switch in for him as basically a back up against anything his typing hasn’t been able to beat.

So really my question is what second Pokémon is the best balance to feraligatr to deal with any matchups he’ll struggle with.

I play the game pretty simply and usually over level stuff so I imagine the next best Pokémon would be something with a pretty diverse movepool to cover as much of ground/fighting flying electric as possible. I know I won’t hit everything but what’s gonna give me the best chance against the games best opponents.

Thanks :)

I think Feraligatr's worst matchups are Chuck, Pryce, Clair, and Lance. You'd want a Pokemon that has less trouble in those boss battles, like maybe Ampharos.
@sumwun Magenton > Ampharos (Although you can't evolve it in HGSS, unfortunately).
@sumwun how come an electric Pokémon?

Obviously it deals with water well but from what I can see there aren’t many significant battles against water? Then feraligatr’s ice should be able to deal with the flying no? The bug move is nice means I don’t need the fighting and can use a ground TM to cover steel.

But apart from that I don’t see what else electric does well… any other reasons??
Chuck, Pryce, and Lance all use water Pokemon. Lance's Dragonites also outspeed Feraligatr so you might not be able to take out all 3 of them with ice fang.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Feraligatr's worst matchups are Chuck, Pryce, Clair, and Lance, so you'd want a Pokemon that's at least neutral in these 4 boss battles. Because so few Pokemon are useful against Lance (and some of them, like Graveler, are bad in those other boss fights), there aren't too many good options.

Ampharos @ magnet/choice specs
EVs: 100 Spe
- discharge
- charge beam
- thunder wave/focus blast/signal beam
- thunder wave/focus blast/signal beam
Note: delay evolution by just one level to learn discharge earlier

Ambipom @ silk scarf
Abililty: pickup
EVs: 100 Atk
- return/last resort
- dig
- shadow claw
- tickle/last resort
Note: use friend balls for a strong early-game return

Magneton @ magnet/choice specs
EVs: 100 Spe
- discharge
- flash cannon
- charge beam
- thunder wave

Miltank @ silk scarf/wide lens
Ability: scrappy
EVs: 100 Spe
- return
- zen headbutt/earthquake
- defense curl
- rollout
Note: use friend balls for a strong early-game return

Of course, if you're okay with using 2 water Pokemon and okay with catching a level 50 wild Pokemon right after defeating Morty, you can use the repel trick to catch the Magikarp on Route 43.
Gyarados @ silk scarf/mystic water
- waterfall
- dragon dance
- strength
- flail/ice fang
Note: use a rare candy immediately after catching it, otherwise it takes a very long time to raise a Magikarp to level 51.

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