PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So, area zero is the final destination in Scarlet and violet’s main story, but it is so weird. First, why did the professor build an AI version of themselves? Why was that necessary? Definitely not for safety purposes. Were they just lonely? If so why not just go home? Sada/Turro obviously built the AI version of themselves before they died, so why did they build it. Also, why didn’t they understand that the paradox Pokémon were dangerous? The AI obviously did. The whole lore surrounding area zero makes no sense, if anyone knows anything that will make these stop hurting my brain, please let me know.

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1 Answer

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The professor built a AI version of themself to help them with their work and keep going in case the professor dies, which the professor did die. They did not go home because that would mean abandoning their work. They had the legendary (Koraidon and Miraidon) with them so they were not lonely. They did not understand the paradox Pokemon were a threat because they did not take enough time to observe while the AI observed that the paradox Pokemon were a threat.
