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I need a bulky Pokemon that can also handle Blissey and Toxapex in gen 9 BSS. It also has to be obtainable in Pokemon scarlet so no future paradox Pokemon. Ty
(please include moveset too)

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2 Answers

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Sometimes stall is the answer to stall. Namely I mean my Fissure +ChestoRest Dondozo, shouldn't care about toxic and such, ignores Blisseys Cm, and fishes. Gholdengo is famous for messing up stall, I think. If you're looking chiefly at those 2 and not the whole archetype, Gallade readily comes to mind.
I think blisseys go for fling most of the time now, otherwise trick scarf/specs gets stall ok


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It depends on what type of bulk you want. I'm going to offer some examples that are limited to just new SV mons.

If you want Physical Bulk I highly recommend Dondozo. It has a base HP stat of 150 and a base Physical Defense stat of 115 and can hit really hard physically when needed with a base Physical Attack stat of 100.
Movset of Aqua Tail, Order up, heavy slam and bulldoze

If you want Special Bulk as a support mon, I'd suggest Clodsire. The Clod has base 130 HP stat, base 100 Sp. Defense. Its other stats are low, which is why i'd only recommend it for setting up hazards like toxic spikes.
Moveset of Toxic Spikes, Sludge wave, Rest and Spikes

If you want fast Bulk, Scream tail is the best way to go. Scream Tail has base 115 HP, base 99 Physical Defense, Base 115 Sp. Defense and Base 111 speed with both attack stats at a 65.
Moveset of Play rough, zen headbutt, crunch and substitute

An alternative for a hard physical hitting and bulky mon is Great Tusk, with a solid 115 base HP stat and a huge base 131 in both Physical Attack and Physical Defense. Yes the special side does suffer but Great Tusk does have a base speed stat of 87.
Moveset of Earthquake, Knock off, Close Combat and Megahorn.

Hope this helps.

The question asks for stallbreakers, and the answer fails to explain how Clodsire and Scream Tail break anything on stall.
Also ice coverage is often better than stuff like order up or megahorn because they cover actual threats.