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4 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Ogerpon, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions may also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Ogerpon Pokédex and learnset for reference.


10 Answers

1 vote

Gen 9 OU

Ogerpon (F) @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Knock Off
- U-turn
- Encore

  • Despite not being OU by usage, Ogerpon is a solid Pokemon within the OU metagame, sitting at B+ on the viability rankings alongside Pokemon like Heatran and Clodsire. This set functions as a fast offensive pivot with good utility options in Knock Off and Encore to disrupt enemies, and Heavy-Duty Boots to switch into the ever present hazards in the tier. Defiant is a useful ability as it punishes teams that use Landorus-T as their main physical check, gaining +1 attack instead of -1 as it switches in. Its unique interaction with Terastalization gives it a good role as a revenge killer and allows it to safely use Encore into Dragon Dance users not named Roaring Moon.
  • Ivy Cudgel is a Grass type non contact STAB move, despite being weaker than Power Whip and Wood Hammer it is the best option for its greater consistency and ability to be spammed more often. Knock Off removes the ever present Heavy-Duty Boots, threatening the longevity of checks like Gouging Fire, Kyurem, Heatran, and Dragonite. In addition, it is a hard hitting option against common Grass resists in Dragapult, Slowking-Galar, and Gholdengo. U-turn lets it switch out against Pokemon it can't threaten. Encore allows it to punish the use of set up and healing moves as well as Raging Bolt's Thunderclap and Kingambit's Sucker Punch.
  • This Ogerpon set fits well on balances that like to spam Heavy-Duty Boots as opposed to having to go through the trouble of removing hazards. Dragapult is a fixture of these teams, threatening the Dragon types that check Ogerpon with its Draco Meteor or Dragon Darts. Dragapult appreciates Ogerpon's Knock Off softening shared checks in Kingambit and Heatran, and can weaken them with Will-O-Wisp and Thunder Wave.
0 votes

A nice Physical Attacker with Defiant.

Ogerpon (F) @ Life Orb / Expert Belt
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Ivy Cudgel
- Play Rough
- U-turn

Knock Off is to remove items and deal great damage. Ivy Cudgel is Grass STAB. Play Rough is nice neutral coverage. U-Turn is to switch. Life Orb is to do more damage, but in exchange for some damage to yourself. Expert Belt does more damage when you're using a super-effective move.

0 votes

According to Smogon's guessed spread, a Fast Bulky Support 'mon.

Ogerpon-Wellspring (F) @ Wellspring Mask
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP or Atk / 8 Atk or HP / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Spiky Shield
- Leech Seed
- Knock Off / Power Whip
- Ivy Cudgel

Fast Leech Seed + Spiky Shield is great for dealing damage and healing at the same time. Knock Off is a great utility move but can be replaced with Power Whip for a powerful Grass STAB. Ivy Cudgel is Water STAB. You can run 248 Attack for good damage, but you can also run 248 HP for better bulk.

0 votes

Get Washed Away!

Ogerpon-Wellspring (F) @ Wellspring Mask
Ability: Water Absorb
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Trailblaze / Horn Leech
- Ivy Cudgel
- Encore / Taunt

Sweeping Ogerpon-Wellspring. Encore traps opponents in a status move and slower sweepers in a setup move. Taunt shuts down opposing Pokémon such as Toxapex that probably only have Liquidation / Chilling Water as an attack move. Swords Dance is setup. Trailblaze to increase speed or Horn Leech for recovery.Tera Water is mandatory and Ivy Cudgel to sweeeeeep!!! This set has worked extremely well for me!

0 votes

Gen 9 Monotype Swords Dance (HeartFlame Form)

Ogerpon-Hearthflame (F) @ Hearthflame Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Ivy Cudgel
- Horn Leech
- Play Rough / Trailblaze / Knock Off / Taunt

Ogerpon-Heartflame is a nice addition to Grass and Fire teams in Monotype thanks to its Grass/Fire typing along with being a scary breaker. Swords Dance makes Ogerpon-Heartflame a scary threat in addition to the Heartflame Mask giving Ogerpon-Heartflame's attacks a x1.2 boost. Ivy Cudgel is a Fire STAB in this form and can even break past Heatran since this form has Mold Breaker for the Ability. Horn Leech is used as the Grass STAB since it allows Ogerpon-Heartflame to recover HP. Play Rough is used to hit Dragon-types such as Kommo-o, Dragapult, Garchomp, and Dragonite super effectively. Trailblaze allows Ogerpon-Heartflame to boost its Speed so it can outspeed faster Pokemon such as Meowscarada, Chien-Pao, Iron Valiant, and Flutter Mane. Knock Off is an option to hit Skeledirge really hard since Mold Breaker ignores Unaware. Taunt is an option to stop defensive counterplay, which can grant more opportunities to setup Swords Dance.

0 votes

This is a Hearthflame Ogerpon set that I use in Ubers and it works well.

Ogerpon-Hearthflame (F) @ Hearthflame Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Ivy Cudgel
- Horn Leech / Wood Hammer / Trailblaze
- Knock Off / Play Rough / Low Kick

Ability: Mold Breaker --> Embody Aspect (Hearthflame) (after tera)

Pretty self-explanatory. Swords dance to double attack and sweep with Ivy cudgel, your grass move and your coverage move. You can use Low kick for the very heavy Pokemon that reside in ubers, Play rough for dragon types or Knock off for just good damage overall.

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0 votes

I'd like someone to test this moveset out for me. I've made it for Cornerstone Ogerpon, and I've added some defensive properties to it. I've tried using this one on high-level wild Pokemon, like the level 75 Dragonite and Lucario that you can find in the Area next to Kitakami's landmass and Dalipaza passage respectively, but I haven't tried it online before... Let's see how this works..

Ogerpon @ Cornerstone Mask
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 100 Atk / 200 Def / 200 SpD
Impish / Careful Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Spiky Shield
- Counter
- Sandstorm

Ability: Sturdy (Regular) Embody Aspect(Tera)
Impish / Careful Nature Mint, if Possible

Okay, let me explain how this is SUPPOSED to work. Sandstorm is for setup, boosting your Sp.Def and damaging opponents bit by bit. With Sturdy+Counter, you can potentially deal massive dmg right before you get KOed, especially to your Ice weakness, IF you get that close.... Anyway, back with business. Spiky Shield for protection, seeing what attacks the opponent has(I think they use the term scouting?) so you can swap for a more effective Pokemon, and to damage opponents. Ivy Cudgel is for reducing your Fire, Flying and Bug weaknesses to rubble, and strong Rock STAB. Then, when you Terastilize, you get that Defensive boost, and you tell your opponents "GET WRECKED!" as you smash your cudgel through their defenses. Anyway, I'm hoping this works, so I can use it on online teams, and Crispin's possibly fatal team when the Indigo Disk comes out. Send feedback soon, please! Let's pray this is a good one!

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Okay, forget the extra Ice dmg, Counter isn't super effective on anything, but it's still a massively powerful tool thanks to Sturdy.
0 votes

Okay, I have another moveset to try out. I've had extremely good luck with this one on battles, and now I'll see how well this set does in doubles. Before you ask, here's the math for this moveset....

Ogerpon-Hearthflame @ Hearthflame Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Counter / Zen Headbutt / any Fighting move
- Swords Dance / Focus Energy
- Power Whip / Horn Leech

Alright, let's get this show on the road. First off, Swords Dance\Focus Energy is for setup, to boost your overall performance first off. Swords Dance is for overall dmg, Focus Energy causes high chance for almost double damage done. Power Whip is strong Grass STAB, and can deal with your newfound Rock weakness, but has 85% accuracy. So, you can also swap for Horn Leech if you want to do medium high damage with more accuracy, plus health restore. Counter is(or can be) your most powerful Fighting type move, if you get attacked with a physical move. Superpower decreases your stats, but you can use it if you want to deal massive damage, just short-term. Zen Headbutt is to get revenge on the Loyal Three for killing your old master. Finally, Ivy Cudgel is a powerful Fire STAB that's boosted by Embody Aspect, so its cudgel hits like One-Punch Man when Terastilized. Also, I'd recommend AGAIN that you get a Psychic type partner to help you with this one, so you don't get OHKOd by seriously toxic(pun intended) Poison types like the Loyal Three and Eternatus. Also, I just found out that Fire isn't actual super effective against Flying a bit ago, but your cudgel can still do a good job of taking them down. Try it out!

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Okay, this one has been tested thoroughly and through now, and It works like a charm! You might want to have it helped by a Pokemon with an advantage against Rock types, though...
Counter doesn't deal super-effective damage.
Okay, fixed that up. Thanks, MB!
0 votes

I'm back with Gen 9 DOU

Fire Ogre (Ogerpon-Hearthflame) @ Hearthflame Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Power Whip
- Knock Off / U-turn / Synthesis
- Swords Dance

This mask is the second to most goofy ahh mask, first being Cornstone(In my opinion, Teal looks cool, & Wellspring looks way better than it could have. And yes, I said Cornstone & don't care). Most of this, you can't really change. The only thing you can really change are her moves, EV's & IV's, Nature, & teammates. After that, it's not really any different as you will be running something like this. These EV's make it fast, offensive, & with workable defensive ways. Since I use Spiky Shield a lot, I'm trying something different. Ivy Cudgel & Power Whip are STAB for Fire & Grass, respectively. Knock Off is item removal, U-Turn is to switch in your Incineroar multiple times, letting off a lot of Intimidates set off.

Now I'm not gonna lie, I kinda got most of this from WolfeyVGC but that's because it was the team he uses in a tourney. Incineroar gives more surviving power by Intimidate, Fake Out, Parting Shot, all that good stuff. Ursaluna is good for fighting off Glimmora & Tyranitar. Whenever Ogerpon, Incineroar, & Ursaluna get low, use Amoonguss. It's very good support moveset(Along with Incineroar) is insane. This team is chopped into ogre, mushroom, cat, & bear burger special by a physical wall(Diance & Archaludon). A good special Pokemon to at least threaten them is Gholdengo with Focus Blast. And just so Ogre's flying weakness isn't a threat to it's economy, Very Hurt Neck... It's not Hurt Neck? Oh, Raging Neck, right? NO? Ok i'll use Raging Bolt. So, in order for our Oger to survive, we need Raging Bolt to take Peliper and put it on the ground so it turns into Water/Ground Type.

Hmmm... Leech Seed, Substitute, Synthesis, & Ivy Cudgel. Ogerpon knows how to stall.

–2 votes

I'm not sure if this moveset is as good as the others, but It's helped me a lot, soooo...

Ogerpon @ Adrenaline Orb / Expert Belt / no item
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Adamant / Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Low Sweep
- Rock Tomb
- Trailblaze

Okay, so here's how this works. Mostly, the whole gist is that you will speed up while your opponent slows down. Rock Tomb decreases Speed, and also works as coverage against Fire, Bug and Flying types who'll see you as an easy target. Low Sweep also decreases Speed, and also works as coverage for Ice and Steel types. Trailblaze for speed boost, then Ivy Cudgel for strong Grass STAB. Adrenaline Orb will boost speed when intimidated and Defiant kicks in, or you can use the Expert Belt if you want to do more damage to those Fire\Flying\Bug Types. Then, you Terastilize and Activate Embody Aspect, then sweep with Ivy Cudgel! I'd recommend partnering up this one with a powerful Psychic type to combat any Poison types, because this set doesn't really cover them... If There's any problems, let me know.

NOTE: I'd recommend you Hyper Train its Attack and Speed stats, because those are necessary for this to work(you could also, possibly, hyper train it's Defense and Sp.Def while you're at it, so it's not as weak). Also, this is the first moveset I've written so far, so I'm open for tips and such...

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You could actually replace either Low Sweep\Rock Tomb with Zen Headbutt for Poison Coverage, if you'd like to get them out of the way.... Oh, and Mr. Fish, I do know what Pokemon Showdown is, got it.
Who downvoted my moveset? this was my first moveset, y'know! you don't have to be all negative about it...
Do you know what the National Dex formats are?
Oh. I don't know that, what is it?
I just play the regular video games most of the time...
Showdown doesn't need hyper training