I'm back with Gen 9 DOU

Fire Ogre (Ogerpon-Hearthflame) @ Hearthflame Mask
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Ivy Cudgel
- Power Whip
- Knock Off / U-turn / Synthesis
- Swords Dance
This mask is the second to most goofy ahh mask, first being Cornstone(In my opinion, Teal looks cool, & Wellspring looks way better than it could have. And yes, I said Cornstone & don't care). Most of this, you can't really change. The only thing you can really change are her moves, EV's & IV's, Nature, & teammates. After that, it's not really any different as you will be running something like this. These EV's make it fast, offensive, & with workable defensive ways. Since I use Spiky Shield a lot, I'm trying something different. Ivy Cudgel & Power Whip are STAB for Fire & Grass, respectively. Knock Off is item removal, U-Turn is to switch in your Incineroar multiple times, letting off a lot of Intimidates set off.
Now I'm not gonna lie, I kinda got most of this from WolfeyVGC but that's because it was the team he uses in a tourney. Incineroar gives more surviving power by Intimidate, Fake Out, Parting Shot, all that good stuff. Ursaluna is good for fighting off Glimmora & Tyranitar. Whenever Ogerpon, Incineroar, & Ursaluna get low, use Amoonguss. It's very good support moveset(Along with Incineroar) is insane. This team is chopped into ogre, mushroom, cat, & bear burger special by a physical wall(Diance & Archaludon). A good special Pokemon to at least threaten them is Gholdengo with Focus Blast. And just so Ogre's flying weakness isn't a threat to it's economy, Very Hurt Neck... It's not Hurt Neck? Oh, Raging Neck, right? NO? Ok i'll use Raging Bolt. So, in order for our Oger to survive, we need Raging Bolt to take Peliper and put it on the ground so it turns into Water/Ground Type.
Hmmm... Leech Seed, Substitute, Synthesis, & Ivy Cudgel. Ogerpon knows how to stall.