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If a Tera Raid boss is badly poisoned (e.g. from Toxic), does the bad poison damage increase only after all 4 players have a turn or immediately after any player has a turn?

> If Toxic hits a wild Tera Pokémon in a Tera Raid Battle, the Tera Pokémon is inflicted with normal poison, rather than bad poison.

So Toxic works as normal poison, but don’t go thinking it’s useful to clip away at a Tera boss. First, status moves cannot hit a Tera boss if their shield is up. Second, Tera bosses often clear status. Third:

> As an aside, even if the Pokemon didn't purge debuffs or put up shields, due to the way toxic works in raids (it does damage equivalent to 1/16+ of the base hp of the Pokemon, not 1/16+ of the raid hp, which is 25x of base hp), toxic is fairly useless



[Source]: https://m.bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Toxic_(move)#:~:text=If%20Toxic%20hits%20a%20wild,poison%2C%20rather%20than%20bad%20poison.

[Source2]: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/359434-pokemon-violet/80316143
So when does the damage happen?
I can’t find the answer on the web unless it’s on Reddit and I can’t access that for some reason. My guess is a certain amount of time or after every time the Tera boss attacks. I’ll need to test this when I’m able.
This doesn't fully answer the question then.
Yeah, I misread the question. I thought it said “Would” Toxic work.
From experience, the Tera Raid Pokemon will only take damage from Poison or Burn at the end of their own turn.
You can use the info I got with that and make an answer.

1 Answer

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From experience, the Tera Raid Pokemon will only take damage from
Poison or Burn at the end of their own turn.

commented 9 hours ago by PhailRaptor

If Toxic hits a wild Tera Pokémon in a Tera Raid Battle, the Tera Pokémon is inflicted with normal poison, rather than bad poison.

As an aside, even if the Pokémon didn't purge debuffs or put up shields, due to the way Toxic works in raids (it does damage equivalent to 1/16+ of the base HP of the Pokémon, not 1/16+ of the raid HP, which is 25x of base HP), Toxic is fairly useless.

Source (Toxic DMG not increasing over time)

Toxic damage only takes effect after the Tera Raid Pokémon has made a turn. Toxic damage also doesn't gradually increase damage over time, it just does normal poison damage. Tera Raid Pokemon can also clear status, so it isn't very effective for getting damage off of the Pokémon.

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