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I know switching out has priority. That’s why Pursuit gets a priority of +7 to go before you switch out. So I’d assume Terastallizing also has priority.

Terastalizing goes before switching I'm pretty sure but it acts before all moves so maybe priority +8
I can’t even find what the priority of switching is.
switching doesnt have priority. it just happens after all abilities activate or special mechanics happen (or pursuit)
Pursuit does have priority when used as an opponent is switching out, a priority of +7. Why would pursuit need a +7 priority instead of like +5 if switching didn’t have priority?
Pursuit never has Priority. The highest recognized Priority is +5 with Helping Hand. Switching is more so a gamestate action that happens before priority. If your familiar with Trading card games like Yuhioh or MtG, it's probably more accurate to say switching has its own phase that takes place before the battle phase, and Pursuit merely has an effect that allows it to attack in that phase if the conditions are met.
“In that case, Pursuit technically has priority +7, meaning it attacks before all other actions and moves.”-This Site.

That magic word:TECHNICALLY. It’s all been an illusion!!! But since this is technical, I still want to treat it as priority. So Pursuit technically has +7 priority which means switching technically has a priority of +6. So what is technically Terastallizing priority, or order of game action.

1 Answer

5 votes
Best answer

If you consider Pokemon Showdown! as an accurate source of information for these things, then switching happens before the Terastallization. This replay is proof. I also used some priority moves in this battle. I used Helping Hand in this one.

Pokemon Showdown! isn't always correct, but it's tested against the base mechanics very thoroughly (and it's been like a year).

According to Bulbapedia, game mechanics as considered 'special priority' rather than the system that moves use. Specifically;

The messages for the activation of Quick Claw, Custap Berry, and
O-Powers are always shown before anything else. Switching out,
rotating, using items, escaping, and the charging messages for Focus
Punch, Beak Blast, and Shell Trap are displayed or performed next.....
Mega Evolution and Dynamaxing generally occur at the beginning of a
turn but after any switching has occurred; however, if a Pokémon is
Mega Evolving or rotating in and then using Pursuit on a Pokémon that
is switching out, the Mega Evolution or rotation always happens before
the Pokémon uses Pursuit (and therefore before the other Pokémon's

The article.

This makes the whole 'priority' thing very difficult to figure out. According to the Bulbapedia article, switching actually goes after a few rare actions. Since Tera happens before Helping Hand, it's at least +6. It happens after switching, which would be +7, and the few rare actions would be +8. In previous generations, this priority changes if you use Pursuit while Mega-Evolving or Dynamaxing.

So the answer is most likely that Terastallization would be a +6, since it goes before switching and after Helping Hand.

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But isn’t Helping Hand’s priority +5? How could Terasallization go after if it’s +6?
The answer says Tera Happens before Helping Hand and the Showdown! Replay shows this.

PX might’ve messed up the order of the last statement, and it should say “before Helping Hand and after Switching”. :P