Gen 7
Sun and Trick Room Sweeper
Sunflora @ Choice Specs
Ability: Solar Power
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Solar Beam
- Earth Power
- Sludge Bomb
- Hidden Power [Fire]
Sunflora has a good 105 base sp. atk stat coupled with solar power and a terrible speed stat, allowing it to be a decent trick room sun sweeper. This set works best under trick room and sun. With choice specs and solar power, Sunflora gets an insane 678 Sp. Atk stat! Though, an alternative set with Life Orb / Growth / Synthesis / Solar Beam / HP Fire can be used instead, but it may be less reliable due to trick room's maximum turns of 5.
Chlorophyll Sun Sweeper
Sunflora @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Growth
- Solar Beam
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Synthesis / Earth Power / Leaf Storm
This set isn't recommended, and you're better off using a different Pokemon for this set. Sunflora has a horrible base 30 speed, and under sunlight it has a 348 speed stat, which still isn't enough to outspeed most choice scarf users or offensive Pokemon in general, meaning it is easy to revenge kill. A choice scarf is an option for this set to make the speed stat slightly better, but it won't hit very hard without growth in its set, making it unviable.