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I hear some poketubers using it as an authentic way to speed up early gen 1 games, but I don’t know what it is. Can I have a detailed explanation on what it is, and how to get it?

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wasn't it for stadium on the 64
According to this, Dodrio mode just changes how the game displays colors. There's a good chance the article is wrong, though.
If I come across the video I saw about it’ll link it. It was one of the jrose videos. I might be misremembering

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

It's part of the GB emulator found on Pokemon stadium. It's simply a game speed option. Normal > Doduo mode (double speed) > Dodrio mode (triple speed).
How to get it: https://serebii.net/stadium/modes.shtml (scroll down to 'GB Tower')

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does it work in stadium 2?
Yep, all gen 1 and 2 games work that way in S2 (although I think gen 1 is X4 and gen 2 is X3)
–5 votes

well, from what I found, it's sort of a color vibrancy mode, as somewhat ridiculous as this sounds, it was originally for a rerelease of Pokemon red and blue/green on the Gameboy color, but sadly canceled for one reason or another, but later reused this name for Pokemon stadium, although I have no idea why, it was for color inversion or something, sort of just a cool setting gimic I suppose.

How do you know this?
If you're going to make wild claims like you have in every other answer you've made, you need to source them, or people (myself included) are going to take it as just making stuff up. I think the concept of a potential remake 3 years later is ridiculous, especially considering both that it was the late 90s (i dont believe remakes were the massive concept they are today in the gaming infustry,  though i may be wrong) and you could play original Gameboy games in the GBC (not sure if this applies to all of them, but I know it does for RBG).
A source would be extremely helpful!
Right, I understand your concern, it's especially understandable given I did not give any source, and if I remember correctly I found this on this website: https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/
I couldn't find the page I got the information from, but if this helps any, I'm glad, if it didn't, I'm sorry I couldn't help more.