Iron Valiant spawns in a hidden cave in Area Zero. To find this cave, teleport to Research Station 3 and exit. You want to face the giant Cave to leads to Research Station 4, to the left of the cave, you should see a path. Go down that path staying close to the right side until you see a couple of rocks with a small gap between them. Shimmy through the gap and you'll enter the cave with a large open area with a symbol on the ground, and a waterfall. This is where Iron Valiant spawns. It's a pretty rare Spawn still, so I recommend using a Fairy Encounter Sandwich.

Iron Thorns Spawn area is a bit easier to find, being outside and around Research Station 2. Run along the path between the Station and the gravelly path to the southeast of it. Iron Thorns is also a rare Spawn in this area, so I recommend using a Rock or Electric Encounter Sandwich.

Hope I Helped.