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Floatzel or Barraskewda, that is the question.
I have played a lot of rain teams, I tried SV UU on rain mode.
However, I couldn't exactly choose between Barraskewda or Floatzel.
Barraskewda had a higher atk, higher speed, access to CC, but overall, was harder to swap in.
Floatzel on the other hand had lower speed and atk, but much easier to swap in due to it's actually reliable 80 or so base hp. It also had serviceable coverage moves like ice spinner, and access to Wave Crash.

So I'm kind of asking on your opinion on which is better.

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They both accomplish different things. Barraskweda is for late game cleaning while Floatzel, with tera water and wave crash, nukes everything in sight until it dies trying
...and that would be why I would say floatzel.

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

You didn't ask there, so I asked for you.

Wave Crash does a fair bit more damage (which obviously gets further amplified with every modifier like rain and a potential Tera Water), and the speed advantage Barraskewda has is overkill against everything except Unburden Hawlucha, would be my assumption. It also has a bit more overall bulk, but that is diminshed by the recoil from Wave Crash.


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Floatzel is better almost every way. I've been trying out Rain, and I completely agree with sumwun.
1 vote

Floatzel is a better option overall. You'll be able to Sweep in a lot of situations, and it can clean up the field if needed.

Can you source anyone referring to it as "clean up the field" instead of "revenge killing" or "picking off"? I've competed for 20 years, and while I've seen "clean up the field" used that way in games like Yu-Gi-Oh!, It's been used for removing hazards (and sometimes screens with Brick Break) in Pokémon since gen II with rapid spin. Thanks for taking the time to elaborate.
This page refers to Jolteon being a late game cleaner. This is commonly used in PS! chat rooms as well. "Cleaning up" generally refers to cleaning weakened teams, and if you use "clean up the field" to refer to removing hazards, it can easily be misconstrued as cleaning up weakened teams. For this, I recommend referring to hazard removal as just that. Thank you.
Yeah, I refuse the premise. "Late game cleaner" is nothing at all like "clean up the field". I get that YOU read it that way, but with context, no one would take "You'll be able to Sweep in a lot of situations, and it can clean up the field if needed." and read that as "It can sweep, and it can also sweep weakened Pokémon".

Rejection of your point aside, and ignoring that you -seem- to be intentionally (or at least repeatedly) missing "the field", I will back off of the discussion, as it seems like splitting hairs. If I mentions cleaning up the field in the future, I will clarify, since if one person misses the point, that is still one too many for my preference.
If it matters to you, I also read it the way Cdijk16 did. The terminology is from Smogon.
I can't prove this, but I think the reason this answer was downvoted as much as it was because people misinterpreted it the way I did.