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Welcome to the SS Monotype team thread! This thread showcases your teams that have fared well on the ladder or in tournaments. In short, it's a thread where you can show off teams without having trouble writing up a full RMT. As long as the team is viable enough for the SS Monotype metagame, you're free to post your team in this thread (no gimmicks allowed!!). Now with that being said, here are a few guidelines which you're expected to read before posting:

  • Please post no unfinished teams! Considering this as a smaller sibling of RMT, we would like if you to put some effort into polishing your team before presenting them here. Try to test your teams before posting them here, too. If you want feedback for your team, post it in the RMT section.
  • Commenting on teams is appreciated only when you have some constructive feedback. Random comments are frowned upon, as it causes clutter. If someone does give feedback on your team, try to take it in the best way possible even if you don't necessarily agree.
  • Try to avoid meaningless discussions which can lead to arguments. Don't beat the horse to death; further discussions can be taken to wall posts.
  • Including the EVs, nature and all the details is a must. All the sets should be posted in the Showdown! importable format too. (Example here.)
  • Please include a description and importable (through PokePaste) when posting teams! Mentioning the archetype (i.e., Balance, Hyper Offense, Stall etc.) of the team when posting is appreciated too. Try to include at least three lines of description for each Pokémon. Make sure your description addresses specific teambuilding choices, general strategy, and any unique sets that might be on your team. Sprites are also appreciated, but not necessary.
  • No more than three answers per post, please! Even if your explanations are concise and up to the point, post different answers if you have a lot of teams to share.

More information about posting can be found here.

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2 Answers

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Team Archive

This is a contents section of the thread. All the teams posted in the thread would be sorted here according to their types.




I honestly didn't know how to format this so zzz (it looks ugly). If there's anything better to go around, lmk on my wall.
1 vote

Flying HO (Click title for Pokepaste)

A Flying HO team I made that that works quite well on ladder. The Landorus set is a funny lead set I came up with. Stealth Rock with Imprison Landorus-Therian prevents slower leads from using Stealth Rock, which helps with not having Stealth Rock on your side. Earthquake and Knock Off are nice attacks to deal damage. You can also keep Landorus around if you need it. Celesteela. Dragonite, Galarian Moltres, and Thundurus-Therian are the setup sweepers of the team. Celesteela can sweep with Automize + Meteor Beam, with Flamethrower melting Steel-types not named Heatran. Dragonite is a Dragon Dance + Roost setup sweeper. Earthquake works well against Toxapex, Aegislash, Heatran, Tapu Koko, most Electric-types, and Excadrill. Galarian Moltres is a dual dance set with Substitute to avoid status conditions. 188 Speed EVs is used to outspeed +2 Speed Jolly Cloyster after an Agility. Thundurus' Nasty Plot set helps with the Water matchup, with Sludge Wave targeting certain Fairy-types like Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, and Tapu Koko. Choice Scarf Galarian Zapdos provides the team with speed control. I have Close Combat and Thunderous Kick on the same set since there were times where I coundn't afford the defense drops from Close Combat and I have Galarian Moltres for Ghost-types.

Sableye + Incineroar Dark Balance (Click title for Pokepaste)

This Dark balance team was built for a Core Laddering Challenge where I had to use Sableye + Incineroar on the team. The team did quite well on ladder. This team uses defensive Pokemon to make progress and opportunities for the wallbreakers to clean through weakened teams. Sableye is a staple on Dark balance imo since it helps you not get run over by Fighting-types such as Urshifu-Rapid-Strike and Buzzwole. Sableye uses the stallbreaker set which shuts down defensive Pokemon. I use a specially defensive EV spread since Sableye has Will-o-Wisp to cripple physical wallbreakers. Incineroar's Fire/Dark typing makes it neutral against Fairy-type moves and resist Ice-type moves. The set is a pivot set that can also cripple Pokemon with Knock Off, Toxic, and Parting Shot. The spread is specially defensive since Incineroar has Intimidate. Tyranitar uses the standard defensive set and also serves as the Stealth Rock user on the team. Mandibuzz is the standard Defog set. Substitute + Nasty Plot Hydreigon serves as the main wallbreaker of the team and can rip Steel teams apart if given the opportunity to setup. Weavile is used as a speedy wallbreaker with Choice Scarf to provide speed control since the team isn't fast.

Choice Scarf Jirachi Steel Offense (Click title for Pokepaste)

A Choice Scarf Jirachi (Bulky?) Offense team that gives Steel a more offensive approach. Choice Scarf Jirachi lets you use Swords Dance Excadrill and specially defensive Heatran on the same team. Jirachi can flinch stuff with Iron Head. Ice Punch targets Dragonite, Landorus-Therian, and Garchomp. Healing Wish is nice to fully heal a weakened Pokemon you'll need late game. Excadrill uses a Swords Dance set that also serves as a Rapid Spinner for the team. Rapid Spin's speed boosts is nice to outspeed faster Pokemon. Rock Blast is used for SubRoost Kyurem. Shed Shell lets Excadrill lets Excadrill escape from Magnet Pull + Magnet Rise Air Ballon Magnezone, but you can use other items like Leftovers or Occa Berry instead. Celesteela, the ground immunity, has an Automize set without Meteor Beam. The reason I don't have Meteor Beam is so I could have Giga Drain in that slot, which helps with the Water matchup. Aegislash is a good Choice Specs user for Steel teams and provides a Fighting immunity. Shadow Sneak is used to let Aegislash revenge kill weakened Pokemon. Steel Beam is for a powerful steel move if you need it. 28 Speed EVs is used to outspeed Clefable as well as Pokemon Pokemon using enough EVs to outspeed Clefable. This helps outspeed slower Aegislash sets. Heatran is the Stealth Rock setter and the needed fire immunity of the team. Roar forces wallbreakers off such as non-Earth Power Hydreigon to prevent them from setting up on you. Since Specially Defensive Heatran usually uses 0 Speed EVs, 16 Speed EVs are used to outspeed opposing Specially Defensive Heatran so you don't have to worry about losing a speed tie. Ferrothorn is a Spikes user and is useful for the Water matchup. Thunder Wave is used to slow down fast Pokemon. 112 Special Defense EVs are used to avoid a 2HKO from Choice Specs Hydro Pump Kingdra in rain. The rest of the EVs are used in Defense and is useful with Chople Berry to survive a Choice Band Close Combat from Urshifu-Rapid-Strike and OHKO it with Power Whip provided you don't miss.
