PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Welcome to the SS OverUsed team thread! This thread showcases your teams that have fared well on the ladder or in tournaments. In short, it's a thread where you can show off teams without having trouble writing up a full RMT. As long as the team is viable enough for the SS OverUsed metagame, you're free to post your team in this thread (no gimmicks allowed!!). Now with that being said, here are a few guidelines which you're expected to read before posting:

  • Please post no unfinished teams! Considering this as a smaller sibling of RMT, we would like if you to put some effort into polishing your team before presenting them here. Try to test your teams before posting them here, too. If you want feedback for your team, post it in the RMT section.
  • Commenting on teams is appreciated only when you have some constructive feedback. Random comments are frowned upon, as it causes clutter. If someone does give feedback on your team, try to take it in the best way possible even if you don't necessarily agree.
  • Try to avoid meaningless discussions which can lead to arguments. Don't beat the horse to death; further discussions can be taken to wall posts.
  • Including the EVs, nature and all the details is a must. All the sets should be posted in the Showdown! importable format too. (Example here.)
  • Please include a description and importable (through PokePaste) when posting teams! Mentioning the archetype (i.e., Balance, Hyper Offense, Stall etc.) of the team when posting is appreciated too. Try to include at least three lines of description for each Pokémon. Make sure your description addresses specific teambuilding choices, general strategy, and any unique sets that might be on your team. Sprites are also appreciated, but not necessary.
  • No more than three answers per post, please! Even if your explanations are concise and up to the point, post different answers if you have a lot of teams to share.

More information about posting can be found here.

That's all, post away!

edited by
What if a Pokémon previously posted has been banned from OU?
Just wanna point out, you put in ORAS overused in the post and it might get confusing

2 Answers

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Best answer

Team Archive

This is a contents section of the thread. All the teams posted in the thread would be sorted here according to their archetype, i.e., Balanced, Bulky Offense, Hyper Offense and Stall. If you feel your team is in the wrong section, please let me know.


Bulky Offence

Hyper Offence


Bulky Balance


1 vote

Just a fun team I use every now and then on the ladder. Nobody really expects Terrakion and can often net some free wins with its ridiculous stab combination combined with high base damage moves. This team originally had Lele in it but that was when Kyurem was still scaring the **** out of rain teams. Now that its gone, I needed another mon to take Kyurem's place and bulky Rillaboom is a perfect fit. AV Tornadus checks the ever irritating shadow ball spammers and helps against opposing Lele. Corviknight checks most physical attacks and even specs Lele. Heatran is the main check to opposing Heatrans and melts stuff with eruption. Garchomp was originally its scale shot set but Zapdos is running rampant in the tier and I need something to switch into it. I just had Garchomp and Heatran be rockers because I didn't really know what to put in either of their last moveslot

Ghosts are broken this generation. Just spam one god damn move and you profit. Except for rare options like av Tornadus or Tyranitar, they beat pretty much of the tier and Dragapult can even wear down Tyranitar with you turn. Tornadus is a bit annoying but the twave ruins it for good. Buzzwall serves as the main physical check so Ferrothorn can focus on spdef for Lele. Zapdos serves as an offensive defogger and just a random pain in the ass. As this is a hazard stacking team, this puts pressure on stuff like Gastrodon who is a pain for the three offensive mons. Since the team gets utterly melted by Heatran, Garchomp was added to the team to deal with it

Probably my favorite team I built this generation. Surprisingly enough, when I was watching some replays from smogon champion league, someone had a similar team only it had Pex instead of Hydreigon so I guess my thoughts of this team structure works. This team was built around Hydreigon and it works by spamming dark pulse. If there's a Clefable, click flash cannon then go back to spamming dark pulse. Draco meteor is to kill those annoying fighting bear. Melmetal is the main physical check and with Rillaboom's terrain, can annoy even ground types. Rillaboom still does the same stuff of messing with rain and it beats the biggest pain to Hydreigon, Tapu Fini. Galarian Slowking serves as the main Lele check and with Melmetal, the team is almost impervious to the thing. Tornadus just does what it does best and beats sd Kartana, something that Melmetal can struggle against. Of course, the team still gets melted by Heatran so guess who's back

At this point, I have no idea what type of team these are so I won't bother to mention it. All I know is they they're a mix of bulky and balance teams or something
