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i will do a Pokemon Sun playtrough

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My personal favourite is Ribombee because it's available around the start of the game, fast, has good Special Attack, and gets good moves like Silver Wind early.
Primarina is probably the best one since it is a starter mon and water fairy is a damn good typing. Other than that, I'd say Mimikyu or Sylveon. Of course the Tapus would outclass all of them but I dunno if you can get them before the elite four
agree with MM on this one, for all 4 of my playthroughs of SM & USUM I picked Popplio.
I made a mistake by removing part of the question that specifies not to suggest Primarina. I added it back, so probably avoid discussing Primarina from this point.

2 Answers

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Best answer

In my opinion, it's Mimikyu. Its Disguise ability can take a Z-move for free, which is insane. It also has a great movepool, Swords Dance, and great all-around stats.

Mimikyu @ Life orb
Nature: (doesn't matter but preferably jolly or Adamant)
- Play rough
- Shadow Claw
- Shadow Sneak
- Drain Punch

As Master had said its type overlaps with decidueye so if you care about type overlaps I would have picked Rimbombee or Comfey. But Rimbombee is found late and Comfey has a bad movepool but then shiinotic came. Its has a pretty decent movepool with ok stats but it works

Shiinotic @Leftovers
Nature:Again doesn't matter but I prefer modest or jolly.
-Giga drain
-Strength Sap

Hope I helped!

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1 vote

To be honest, I think Ribombee is a good option.

It evolves from Cutiefly relatively early and gets a good STAB option (Pollen Puff) as soon as it evolves. It gets Draining Kiss early at level 16, and for a better fairy type move, it has Dazzling Gleam when it reaches level 35. Not to mention, if you want a sweeper you can give it Quiver Dance, and it can use Reflect and Light Screen early due to it’s speed stat. It does have some coverage in the form of Energy Ball and Psychic. Yes, it’s found late, but you can transfer it from another game if you want it early.
