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It has perfect attack and speed ivs. attack 60 defense 49 sp att 29 sp def 49 speed 57. is this good to train for battle frontier? or should I wait till I unlock sevii Islands (as this Kangaskhan is currently in FireRed) to breed with ditto adamant nature?

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There is no Battle Frontier in FR/LG. I assume you mean Trainer Tower, which I added to the title.
Please take care with your grammar. Run-on sentences are unpleasant to read.
Thanks and I should've added that I'm going to trade to emerald for the battle frontier
Okay, I updated the title.
Thank you
You'll probably get a better answer if you ask here: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/gen-iii-battle-frontier-discussion-and-records.3648697/page-60
I think natures matter a bit more than IVs do. Also why do you use Kangaskhan instead of Tauros or Snorlax?
I like the aesthetic of kangaskhan always liked the sprite pretty much lol

1 Answer

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You didn't ask there, so I asked for you.

Does Kangaskhan have any niche over Tauros and Snorlax?

In this generation specifically, I would have to say not really - while all 3 of these mons have the same typing and a wide movepool, the only thing Kangaskhan has over them is Early Bird and access to Reversal (which I, personally, prefer to run on something like Hitmonlee).
The only thing I can really recommend is, instead of using Snorlax, a Kangaskhan on the team can do a decent damage with Endure and Reversal. I'd recommend using it for level 50 challenges, since you may have an easier time without a Tyranitar screwing up the chance of Kangaskhan being able to survive after using Endure.
Replacing Tauros with a Kangaskhan just feels like a waste to me; it's all up to preference, but my preference is getting off that Intimidate and hitting an opponent hard and quick thanks to Tauros's high base Speed and Attack. I wouldn't put a Kangaskhan on a team that would work best with a Tauros up front, since it can't lower the opponent's Attack right off the bat.
I do suggest getting more opinions on this, as I'm not an expert and a lot of other users in this thread have had more experience than me. They can probably give better input on how to utilize a Kangaskhan than I can.

It is a lot bulkier on the special side compared to Tauros, and is much faster than Snorlax. It also has Early Bird which is probably its only real niche. It has good stats and a good movepool so I'm sure there is some team that could make use of it to fill some missing role. As for building a team around it, here are a couple sets that could work:

Leftovers, Max HP, Max SDEF, Careful nature
Crush Claw, Earthquake, Rest, Sleep Talk
Normal / Ground covers almost everything except for Gengar, Misdreavus, and Skarmory
The EVs can allow it to switch in on Modest Starmie's Hydro Pump and stall it out with Rest (barring crits)
Its propensity to get crit by a strong attack lowers its viability
Clear Body and Curse users wall you
OHKOs users are dangerous but at least Kangaskhan has good synergy with Skarmory
Maybe use Protect or Substitute to scout sets
Unless you have a way to take advantage of Kangaskhan's speed, Snorlax probably does this better

No Item, Bulk and a little speed
Thief, Mud-Slap, Rest, Roar
You can debuff most things that don't have a Fighting type move
Roar is for stuff you can't debuff such as Clear Body, Levitate, and Flying types, but you are probably better off having a switch-in for those instead

Edit: I thought of another set:
Choice Band with STAB Double-Edge is actually pretty unique. Consider who it competes with: Slaking, Dodrio, Zangoose, Ursaring, and Tauros. Kangaskhan doesn't have Truant and differentiates itself from the others by way of its more balanced stat distribution, sans Tauros. Tauros has better offensive stats but Kangaskhan gets Shadow Ball, Fighting type attacks, and better HP and SDEF.
You don't even need Choice Band. Maybe there is some set that uses Double-Edge and Rest. Even without Choice Band, I'm sure it still gets some OHKOs with enough Attack investment.


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