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I know sceptile Have a greater spatk but it have a few ways to boost its attack(dragon dance, hone claws, sword dance)

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Just answer this question I want to know the moveset for the perfect sceptile
First, why do you think we should answer this question before you tell us the format?
Second, questions that simply ask for a moveset and nothing else are allowed. We already have plenty of Sceptile movesets here: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/564/what-is-a-good-moveset-for-sceptile
First, the format is gen 8 ou, second, I’m not requesting the moveset, and yes if should I use physical or special sceptile
Sceptile isn't viable in gen 8 OU, and I don't know any gen 8 formats where it is viable. If you really want to use Sceptile, then you'll get better results in gen 3 OU.
Sceptile in gen 3 ou is really mediocre. It's almost completely outclassed by Celebi and Venusaur. It does more speed and access to pursuit and endeavor though. It's still definitely usable, I reccomend using SubPetaya. You could try running a physical Sceptile with ESeed, Acro and Unburden in gen 8 NU, but it's pretty meh there as well.

1 Answer

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Best answer

There's no good reason to use Sceptile in gen 8 OU no matter what moveset it has. It's is outclassed by Kartana and Rillaboom in almost every possible way. Both Kartana and Rillaboom have a better attack stat, better ability, and can learn knock off to remove items and cover grass resists. Rillaboom is a lot slower than Sceptile, but its ability raises grassy glide's priority and damage.
If you really want to use Sceptile somewhere, then the best place is probably gen 3 OU. It can very rarely work as a fast leech seed user. Sceptile should use special moves because all grass attacks are special in this generation, and it needs ice hidden power to cover several grass resists. Pursuit can be used to check Starmie and Claydol.

Sceptile @ leftovers
EVs: 196 SpA / 60 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid nature
- leech seed
- pursuit/substitute
- leaf blade
- hidden power [ice]


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Oh jeez thanks, also thanks for the moveset
It can be used in Gen 8 NU? If yes. Physical or special?
Don't use Sceptile in NU. Use mow Rotom instead
If you do run it, which I don't reccomend, run a physical Swords Dance set with Acrobatics, Earthquake and Leaf Blade. Sceptile in gen 3 ou faces a ton of competition from Celebi and Venusaur, the only reasons to run it are higher speed, pursuit and endeavor. I've tried it before, it was decent but not outstanding.
Cdijk21, I think you should put a answer with the full moveset
sumwun already put out a full answer, seems pointless.
The question is about OU, not NU
Sceptile was recently added back to the NU viability rankings.

Sceptile @ psychic seed
Ability: unburden
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Adamant nature
- swords dance
- leaf blade
- acrobatics
- throat chop