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I am really struggling to build a NatDex AG team. All my experience is from Showdown monotype, so building a non monotype team requires skills I haven't practiced. So I need help big time. Thanks in advance!

You NEED Yveltal/Tyranitar for Calyrex-Shadow and Necrozma-Dusk-Mane for Zacian-C in order to not get 6-0'd by them (unless running HO w/ Ditto). Most teams also have Caly and Zac-C as the premier offensive threats. If that screams highly restricted teambuilding, then yes, its true (and also why I don't play that tier).
Legendaries.  And more Legendaries.

All joking aside, assuming this is Gen 8 NatDex AG, Zacian, Mega-Ray and Dynamax Yveltal are 3 major offensive threats that need to be checked in someway.  Usually DM Necrozma checks Zacian and sets up Rocks which is helpful.  Arceus-Fairy cripples Ray and acts as a good check.  Eternatus helps against Yveltal as well as long as it doesn't take two Max Darkness.  This is very basic, but these are some major offensive threats.
And it screams restricted team building as loud as someone being murdered
You'll probably get a better answer if you ask here: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/national-dex-ag-mega-thread.3672423/
If you can't figure out teambuilding,  you should use a sample team.
I just sampled a sticky Web Hyper Offense team
Please don't use the samples, they're awful because they're outdated. And never use Tyranitar, it's trash now. You don't need Necrozma/Yveltal/Arceus-Dark on every team, though they usually are ran on most teams. Calyrex/Zacian are not the "premier" offensive threats, that's overwhelmingly overrating them. Teambuilding is pretty damn free if you know what to do and how to go on with it. If you're a beginner you'll have issues but it'll be pretty easy, especially if you have high stake tournaments than the ladder in mind.

Strictly speaking, you're either offence or bulky balance. BO's work fine but they're pretty dreadful for the ladder. (Passive balances work better than Rayquaza BO.) Fwiw run Swords Dance Arceus-Ground on your first few teams with Ditto + Arceus-Water and you'll be fine for the most part.
That's helpful! Thanks Carnelian!
i dont think you “need” need anything on your team
What do you mean by not "needing" anything on a team?
not having to have something on a team to fight
A team full of arceus
Ah, come on, I win 10 times in a row with a team full of arceus
Bruh, that’s cheap
you need a hazard removing move, a hazard setting mon, a status setter and 1-2 sweepers
That's the Balance team structure in almost all formats. OP is asking specifically about NDAG.
I would suggest a somewhat defensive mon or you better be fast enough to kill them before they attack.
I use Gliscor because it is good and can pass swords dance/hone claws. After it get poisoned it can fling its toxic orb and cripple some sweeper/bulky mon.
The final team suggestion should be like this:

 1. Hazard and Status (Runerigus with steal rock, will-o-wisp, custap berry destiny bond)
 2. Bulk mon
 3. A dynamax/gigantamax abuser (Snorlax with belly drum sitrus berry pop, gmax use max replenish)
 4. Sweeper
 5. Sweeper
 6. Revenge Killer
Runerigus, Snorlax and Gliscor are all outclassed in NDAG. This answer doesn't mention that you need checks to specific pokemon like Zac-C, Caly-S, GeoXern etc, so I'm flagging it.
I agree with Cdijk21
Feel free to post another answer if it explains how to reliably check all the common threats in this metagame.
I have been doing well with this team. Runerigus can burn Zacian-C, Gliscor is just a good bulk. You can use scarfed Dracovish. You can use Toxapex to replace Gliscor. Toxapex with black sludge can be suitable along with scald's chance to burn and haze. This is a decent check to Xerneas. Calyrex shadow can be dealt with by Yveltal, a good Dynamax abuser replacing Snorlax. You could use Stealth Rocks Garchomp for the hazards. Excadrill with rapid spin could deal with hazards. There are just plenty of ways to put a team for AG. I just had fun with the team so decided to share it.
Thanks for sharing.
That's very bad advice; almost none of the Pokémon you've mentioned are viable in NatDex AG. Please have a certain grasp of the metagame before sharing such tips.
I agree. This AG, I need stronger Pokémon. Also, Runergius, Garchomp, andGliscor are crippled by Ice types, and you suggested 4 ground types for 1 team, so there is little team diversity.

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