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I was just curious, I mean how well would each Rotom fit into the current metagame.

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You need to give a specific format. "Current metagame" is not helpful because every format has a different meta.
If you're happy with an (outdated) answer for Gen 8 OU: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/349201/
If this is for Smogon singles, a brief answer would be Wash>Heat>Mow>Normal Rotom>>>Fan>>Frost. I'l be happy to elaborate if this question is in indeed meant for Smogon singles.
That answer linked is super outdated, I think it's from the Pre-DLC era.
Singles. And yes please elaborate. Thanks!
Will do once I have time.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Here's a ranking of the Rotom forms in competitive Smogon singles:-

  1. Rotom-Wash (UU)
    Rotom-Wash is a fantastic pivot with Volt Switch. Its STAB Hydro Pump lets it punish ground types that attempt to block Volt Switch. Its water typing and ground immunity give it important defensive utility. In UU, this lets it check Moltres and Mamoswine. It's also a great defogger as it has a good matchup against common stealth rockers like Krookodile and Rhyperior. It can run a choice scarf set effectively to revenge kill threats like Gyarados and Lycanrock-D. In OU, it can check Heatran, Tornadus-Therian, Landorus-Therian and the occasional Excadrill. This gives it a solid niche in OU. This makes it the most effective Rotom Form by a fair amount.

  2. Rotom-Heat (UU)
    Rotom Heat is also a good pivot in UU. It's defensive typing and ground immunity let's check Celesteela, Moltres and Mamoswine. Its access to STAB Overheat lets it beat Grass-types like Amoongus. It can run an effective wall breaking set with Nasty Plot. It has a tiny niche in OU at present. It checks hail teams due to its resistance to Arctozolt 's STABs. It is occasionally used as a Wincon on stalls. This makes it the second-best Rotom form by a fairly long shot.
    Note that the OU section of the linked analysis is highly outdated.

  3. Rotom-Mow (NU)
    Rotom-Mow is one the best Pokemon in NU period. Its Volt Switch is nearly unblockable as most electric immunities fear STAB Leaf Storm. It can effectively run a Pivot, Choice Scarf or Nasty Plot set.

  4. Rotom(Original Form)(Untiered)
    It has a niche in PU as its STAB combination is nearly unresisted. It can run effective Choice Scarf or Defog sets. Its speed tier lets it outspeed other scarfers and wallbreakers like Mesprit.

  5. Rotom-Frost(Untiered)
    It has STAB BoltBeam coverage access to Nasty Plot, good utility moves like Will-O-Wisp and Defog. This lets it serve as an offensive Defogger or Nasty Plot user in PU. However, due to its poor offensive movepool, it is walled by common Pokemon like Lanturn and Togedemaru. Unranked on VR.

  6. Rotom-Fan (Untiered)
    No proper analysis for PU. Unranked on VR. It's decent in the unofficial tier of ZU, however.

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