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I know it's an odd comparison, but I'm doing a challenge run for Sapphire that restricts me to only being able to use these two Pokemon as my special attackers, and as I can't trade to get Alakazam, I'll be stuck with using Kadabra. I know that Raichu is inferior to other Electric types in Hoenn such as Magneton and Manectric, but as I'm unable to use those two, should I be using the weak and frail Kadabra, or the somewhat bulker, but much less powerful Raichu?

Even if it can't evolve, Kadabra is very good. I know in Nuzlockes it's plenty viable until around the midgame, where it starts dropping off. Raichu might(?) be better because of the lack of notable opponents that Psychic hits super effectively, while Electric deals with quite a bit (though mostly on the water routes). Kadabra is excellent for raw power, however.
That's the thing. I know Kadabra is great in the mid-game, but I'm nearing the Elite Four, and I'm not sure if I should still be using Kadabra, or should replace it with Raichu.
I think you should keep the Kadabra. Kadabra can learn calm mind, which lets it set up on most special attackers.
wait what playthrough challenge is this?
It shouldn't highly influence the answer to the question, but it's a mono-color playthrough, which basically means I can only use a Pokemon of a certain color (brown specifically). This meant that I could only use Kadabra for a Psychic type and Raichu for an Electric type. I was hoping for an answer that directly compared the Pokemon rather than saying that "Pokemon A is better than Pokemon B because Pokemon B is inferior to Pokemon C and D", but none had came.
alright I was asking because I was curious, by the way why did you deselect my best answer?
That was a unintentional, sorry about that.
no its fine
you can run shock wave on kadabra it if your looking for electric type coverage, just to let you know
As I'm nearing the postgame, Shock Wave is useless as unless you're using it against something that's 4x weak to it, STAB Psychic always deals more damage than it.
you can run Calm Mind then spam Shock Wave on Glacia, but good luck anyways
Again, why would you use shock wave when psychic does more damage?
eh true but super effective damage is beneficial for playthroughs
Why is weaker super effective damage better than stronger neutral damage?
How is super effective damage more beneficial than higher base power and STAB in this situation?
Psychic with STAB is effectively 135 Base Power, while a super effective Shock Wave is 120. The only situation where you'd wanna use Shock Wave is when the opponent is 4x weak to Electric.
your are correct, my bad for the miscalculation

2 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Kadabra is probably better although its frail and its mid-stage it has solid speed and great special attack with access to Calm Mind to back up its frail stats, its one of the best mid-stage Pokemon in the game ontop of that there are better Electric type options such as Manetric which is fount earlier than Raichu which can be fount as a Pickachu in the Safari Zone or Magneton with good typing, access to some good utility and is also a great special attacker. Hopefully, this helps :D

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1 vote

Kadabra is better. It is found way earlier than raichu, and can learn a better range of moves. Raichu having slightly more bulk doesn't outweigh kadabra's superiority in power.
