PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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So, I’ve been playing Hackmons, and I’ve gotta say: Magic Bounce is a huge pain in my side.
So, how can I get rid of it without changing my own ability? I don’t know many moves that change abilities, let alone ones that would pierce Magic Bounce, so at this point I'm not even sure if it’s possible.

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Is this for Balanced or Pure Hackmons? And can you elucidate a bit on how Magic Bounce is troubling you? For example, is it versus hazards? The answer may change according to that.
Oh, I didn’t know those were important. Right away!
Yes, it’s for Balanced Hackmons. I’m ngl to you, I didn’t know there was a Pure Hackmons, but hey, the more you know.
And yes, it’s with hazards. A solid portion of my team pretty greatly benefits from hazards, so setting them up’s an important job- but since I never know what Pokémon may have Magic Bounce, it makes things really hard to set up.
You could always use Mold Breaker.

2 Answers

1 vote

I think the only way to pierce it is using Mold Breaker because Magic Bounce will reflect Gastro Acid, Entrainment, Worry Seed, and Simple Beam if there is no Mold Breaker Pokemon in play. Abilities similar to Mold Breaker such as Teravolt and Turboblaze also bypass Magic Bounce.

Source: Experience and Bulba1, Bulba2, Bulba3, and Bulba4.

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Neutralizing Gas (which is banned from Balanced Hackmons) and Core Enforcer suppresses Magic Bounce regardless of if there's a Mold Breaker Pokemon in play.
Mummy, albeit very situational and a bad strategy, can also work if a Mummy user is hit with a physical hit from a Bounce Pokémon. The main point is in the answer, though. (Core Enforcer is huge in Sw/Sh BH too, as JustATypicalPerson mentioned.)
oh that’s true i completely forgot neutralising gas was a thing! Core enforcer only bypasses things when it is slower though so that won’t always apply
0 votes

Skill Swap is unaffected by Magic Bounce, and allows you to give them your ability while you take theirs.

The question is asking for ways to neutralise Magic Bounce *without* changing the user's ability.