Gen 6 Milotic Moveset
(second moveset post of mine)
Milotic @ Leftovers
Ability: Marvel Scale
EVs: 252 HP / 128 Def / 128 SpD
Calm Nature
- Scald
- Ice Beam
- Aqua Ring
- Recover
Milotic is perhaps my most favorite water-type Pokémon I have ever rigorously trained; they can be sturdy, strong and tactical all at once.
Despite the many move-sets I've seen for Milotic, none of them seem to truly capture the capability of this Pokémon; to be able to wall and stall against strong opponents whilst slowly overpowering them.
For starters, leftovers is our chosen item for this Milotic build; we're going for Endurance. Our EV spread gives us moderate bulk in the 3 main longevity stats: HP, Defence and Sp.Defence. Note we are not devoting any of our EVs to attack-based stats, I'll explain why soon.
It doesn't go unnoticed that Miotic's lowest relevant stat is it's Defence: its a base stat of 79, which is inferior compared to it's Sp.Def stat, which tops 125. With the choice of our first move, Scald, we have a 1-in-3 chance of inflicting a burnt condition onto our opponent; which we all know, halves the physical attack stat of anyone inflicted by it. By combining increased defence, a burn victim and a steady stream of health provided by leftovers, your opponent is forced to either switch out to a Special attacker or face the inevitable fate of the burn.
Ice Beam is our next choice of move. If you have been on this site long enough, I'm sure you would have noticed people stating that it goes without saying that water Pokémon need Ice Beam if they can learn it; and they wouldn't be wrong. Ice Beam has 100% accuracy, 90 Power, Unique type coverage and an (albeit unreliable) immobilising status condition. By having Ice Beam on Milotic, or on any water Pokémon for that matter, you have covered 50% of all their weaknesses (Grass, out of Grass+Electric). Ice Beam is on this particular Milotic because I have had the unpleasantness of facing other Grass types who try to Out-Wall us, such as Trevenant or Amoongus, who has a tendency to set up a Leech-Seed.
Aqua Ring works hand-in-hand with our held item Leftovers, having the combined power of restoring an 1/8th of our max health at the end of each turn. Doesn't sound like much, but remember, we're here to bide our time, not rush like a sweeper would.
Recover is a move I have found myself having to use quite a bit against the larger sweepers; this is for a number of reasons: firstly, it allows you to scout out the different moves your opponents try to use on you. Additionally, combined with both Aqua Ring and your Leftovers, you'll be sat on the front line for ages.
Other notable moves include:
•Toxic (If you prefer the traditional route of whittling away your opponent's health, then try toxic; much more efficient compared to scald in terms of inflicting a guaranteed status condition, but has a lot more immunities, including steel types, poison types and Pokémon with the ability 'Immunity'.)
•Rest (Someone else using status conditions on you? Rest is the way forward. Not only will it fully heal you and remove you from all ailments, but your Marvel Scale will also activate whilst you sleep, giving you increased protection: combine that with your Aqua Ring/Leftovers combo to remain at a substantial amount of health by the time you wake up.)
•Surf (If you're up against an opponent who uses an overabundance of Special attackers, then the Burn infliction from Scald may not entirely appeal to you. in this case, you may switch it out for Surf, which has an additional 15 more power over Scald)
•Whirlpool ( -Generation VI - "The end turn damage of Whirlpool is increased from 1/16 to 1/8 of the target's maximum HP. If the user is holding a Binding Band, the end turn damage of Whirlpool will increase to 1/6 of the target's maximum HP. " - taken from Bulbapedia: As you can see, Whirlpool has received a massive boost within the past two generations, and if you enjoy going for the "trap and destroy" method this is an excellent way to go about it; just watch out for that 85% Accuracy, it could let you down when you least want it to.)
My final comment is watch out Walls with type match-ups, such as Ferrothorn, because they will do everything they can to get the advantage over you.
I don't think I have missed anything out... so let me know what you think of this moveset, and your opinion on how well i've done; sorry if it is a little word-y, but I like to explain things thoroughly :)
Hope I helped