PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
3 votes

I know ground, rock, and steel types are unaffected by damage with Sandstorm. However, Cacturne and Cacnea are also unaffected by damage with Sandstorm. Are any other Pokemon not damaged by Sandstorm?

Ground,Steel,and Rock
and pokemon with the overcoat ability

2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

Types: Ground, Rock Steel

Abilities: Sand Force, Sand Rush, Sand Veil, Magic Guard, Overcoat

Items: Safety Goggles

Sandstorm (Bulbapedia)

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Overcoat, Magic Bounce, Magic Bounce, Sand Rush
2 votes

Ground, rock and steel types like you said.
Pokemon with the abilities:

sand force: http://pokemondb.net/ability/sand-force

sand veil: http://pokemondb.net/ability/sand-veil

sand rush: http://pokemondb.net/ability/sand-rush

and sand stream: http://pokemondb.net/ability/sand-stream

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