PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
0 votes

is that i have a careful pokemon that almost never misses moves even 1 hit k. o. attacks and i have a lax pokemon that misses a lot even moves with acuraccy of 95


2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

You just are very unlucky with that Pokemon, as Nature does not affect accuracy. However, you might have the ability Hustle, whichlowers the accuracy of moves. If not, just unlucky.

no it doesn't that mean it's unlucky.... is that I HATE that ability so i always try to get pokemon with another ability if the pokemon doesn't have another ability (like remoraid) i evolve them....
0 votes

the only thing i know of the natures affect is are the stats (eg. adament nature raises attack but lowers sp.attack).mabey your lax nature pokemon has the ability hustle

You just said the same thing as trachy. DOnt answer it vote his answer up.
i was typing my answer when his got posted i didnt rewrite he was just faster so vote me back up because i didnt even know he ansered