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I noticed in the gallery of some Pokémon there was “Global link artwork”, what is a global link? Was it another weird spin-off game?


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The Pokémon Global Link (Japanese: ポケモングローバルリンク Pokémon Global Link) was an internet multiplayer feature in the Generation V, VI, and VII core series games. It offered similar features to the Global Terminal in Generation IV and was replaced by Nintendo Switch Online and Pokémon HOME in Generation VIII.

In Pokémon Black and White, the option of connecting to the Global Link is activated with an item called the Dream Mist. This is obtained early in the game from a Munna. If the Dream Mist is given to Fennel, she will give away the C-Gear and activate the menu option that would allow the player to set up the Global Link. The Generation V Global Link allowed players to enter the Pokémon Dream World where they could catch Pokémon otherwise not obtainable in Unova.


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