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I just want to know if there’s any use for the ability “Anticipation”.

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Unfortunately every Pokémon with anticpation has a far better ability, I never saw anyone ever using this ability on any Pokémon

2 Answers

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Best answer

I'm going to look through the smogon analysis for EVERY single generation that the Pokemon has been in, it is required to have anticipation (of course).

Barboach: In gen 4 and 5, it uses anticipation in LC
Whiscash: It used anticipation in Gen 4 UU and Gen 7 PU
Wormadam: All of the wormadam forms used anticipation in gen 4 UU, Gen 5 NU, Gen 6 PU
Croagunk: Never used it lel.
Toxicroak: Never used it lel.
Hatenna: Is just never used in LC so I don't see it, but magic bounce is supremely better.
Hattrem: Never uses it lel
Hatterene: Never uses it lel
Galarian Ponyta: Never uses it lel
Galarian Rapidash: Never uses it lel
Eevee: Only uses it in Battle spot singles, otherwise, it has the supreme ability adaptability.
Ferrothorn: No reason to use anticipation over iron barbs. Never uses it lel.


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It is only ever used by Whiscash in dp and sm. It is not used anywhere else because all of its users have another ability that offers more than simply alerting you to a super effective move such as Ferrothorn's iron barbs or Hatterene's magic bounce


