PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Sorry if it’s already on the site, but I didn’t see it.

I hatched a shiny Pichu from the odd egg and I’m trying to evolved her to breed her, to get another shiny Pichu (but male) to breed for a shiny Eevee. She’s level 19, has never fainted and I’m feeling kind of defeated. Where can I check her friendship/happiness level?


3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, an NPC who will evaluate the friendship of the first Pokémon in the player's party can be found at Goldenrod City.

Now, that's not satisfactory, I want to see where they are. Doing more research, it seems like the lady is near the bike shop.

Sources: This, and this

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Sniper... I'm salty... :/
oof sorry :(
2 votes

In Goldenrod City, there are two women who will determine the happiness of your Pokemon. The first lady can be found just north of the Bike Shop on the east side of town. She'll give you a general idea of how happy your Pokemon is.

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1 vote

In Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal, an NPC who will evaluate the friendship of the first Pokémon in the player's party can be found at Goldenrod City.
Source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Friendship

Can you be more specific please ;w;
Oh wait never mind I remember where now sksksk thanks
They are in the area where you get your bike.
At least I think I may have forgotten since I haven't played gsc in a while.
:( sniped
I like the formatting of dank muffins better but +1 upvote