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Mewtwo got Nasty Plot in SwSh giving it something better than Calm Mind to boost it’s special attack with. How much of a difference does this make on Mewtwo’s Gen 8 usage. Is it (Nasty Plot Mewtwo) more used now because of it?

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I don't agree. Mewtwo at least has a way to break past Yveltal using +2 Ice Beam with a bit of chip unlike Calyrex-S.

+2 252 SpA Life Orb Mewtwo Ice Beam vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Yveltal: 421-497 (92.5 - 109.2%) -- 56.3% chance to OHKO
It's possible to wear it down just a bit and break through it easily. Likewise, SpD Yveltal in every good team doesn't mean no one runs Calyrex-S.
Calyrex shadow is amazing when yveltal is gone and threatens out almost everything which means it will be used.
Also if you would have played gen 8 ubers a ton, one of the very first tips you learn is try not use yveltal if you see a calyrex shadow in opposing team.
 8 Atk Dark Aura Yveltal Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mewtwo: 278-330 (78.7 - 93.4%) -- 37.5% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
Similarly you can also be knocked down by yveltal after some chip.
Finally, almost all Zacian use crunch which means you'll be stopped in sweep with ease.
I do not agree. First of all, Specially Defensive Yveltal rarely ever runs Sucker Punch. 37% is still a very risky percentage, and Zacian running Crunch doesn't mean you're only using Mewtwo VS the whole tier. Teammates exist for a reason.
I do run. can't risk against calyrex. I said chip and not direct risk 37%
Gen 8 Mewtwo is better than gen 7 Mewtwo but worse than gen 7 mega Mewtwo Y. I think this is mostly because of the reverse power creep that happened when Arceus, mega evolutions, and primal forms were all removed, not because of nasty plot.

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Mewtwo is completely outclassed by calyrex shadow in almost every way.
Mewtwo doesn't get better/ gets better depending on what you're comparing.

Better special attack, better ability, more speed you name it. Even after getting nasty plot, it isn't useful as calyrex shadow has also got nasty plot. Moreover, every good team has yveltal which will K.O. you with knock off/Sucker punch/Dark pulse if no nasty plot is up or your luck didn't work for 56% chance to OHKO after +2. Finally almost all Zacian use crunch which means your sweep will be stopped with ease. Personally you can still try it as you may just chip yveltal and then your calyrex shadow will sweep.

Is it better:
Last gen, that is USM ubers, mega Mewtwo Y was rank A- but Mewtwo in this gen is B- because it already had a huge special attack. Yet if you mean normal Mewtwo of gen 7 ubers, yes it did get better.

Hope I helped!

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| Zacian                                 |
 | Moves                                  |
 | Play Rough 99.888%           |
 | Wild Charge 87.372%           |
 | Close Combat 76.099%       |
 | Crunch 63.735%                   |
I wouldn't say 63% is almost all.
This doesn't answer if Mewtwo become better than previous after it got Nasty Plot, just tells Mewtwo is unviable.
“ | Zacian                                 |
 | Moves                                  |
 | Play Rough 99.888%           |
 | Wild Charge 87.372%           |
 | Close Combat 76.099%       |
 | Crunch 63.735%                   |
I wouldn't say 63% is almost all.”

I mean it still is the top 4, so it is quite common considering the fact that there are four move slots. It’s relevant but replaceable. So yeah it’s still a lot. I’m not saying you’re wrong though.
Technically banded play rough still OHKOs so crunch isn't necessary.
+1 252+ Atk Choice Band Zacian Play Rough vs. 0 HP / 4 Def Mewtwo: 394-465 (111.6 - 131.7%) -- guaranteed OHKO