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Please list the Kalos Gym Leaders Pokémon’s Movesets. This includes Moves, Levels, Held Items, Abilities, and Genders if any. As these are the Kalos Leaders, there Pokemon and Movesets will need to be XY and rematches. I would also like these listed on how you would list competitive movesets.

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Please give actual info on what to include, like what my question said.

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Here are their movesets:

1. Viola

Surskit (Lv. 10) ♀
Ability: Swift Swim
-Quick Attack
-Water Sport

Vivillon (Lv. 12) ♀
Ability: Shield Dust

2. Grant

Amaura (Lv. 25) ♂
Ability: Refrigerate
-Aurora Beam
-Rock Tomb
-Thunder Wave
-Take Down

Tyrunt (Lv. 25) ♂
Ability: Strong Jaw
-Rock Tomb

3. Korrina

Mienfoo (Lv. 29) ♀
Ability: Inner Focus
-Power-Up Punch
-Fake Out
-Double Slap

Machoke (Lv. 28) ♂
Ability: Guts
-Power-Up Punch
-Rock Tomb

Hawlucha (Lv. 32) ♀
Ability: Unburden
-Flying Press
-Hone Claws
-Power-Up Punch

4. Ramos

Jumpluff (Lv. 30) ♂
Ability: Chlorophyll
-Grass Knot
-Leech Seed

Weepinbell (Lv. 31) ♂
Ability: Chlorophyll
-Grass Knot
-Posion Powder
-Gastro Acid

Gogoat (Lv. 34) ♂
Ability: Sap Sipper
-Grass Knot
-Take Down

5. Clemont

Emolga (Lv. 25) ♂
Ability: Static
-Volt Switch
-Quick Attack
-Aerial Ace

Magneton (Lv. 35)
Ability: Sturdy
-Electric Terrain
-Mirror Shot

Heliolisk (Lv. 37) ♂
Ability: Dry Skin
-Quick Attack
-Grass Knot

6. Valerie

Mawile (Lv. 38) ♀
Ability: Hyper Cutter
-Feint Attack
-Iron Defense

Mr. Mime (Lv. 39) ♀
Ability: Soundproof
-Light Screen
-Dazzling Gleam

Sylveon (Lv. 42) ♂
Ability: Cute Charm
-Dazzling Gleam
-Quick Attack

7. Olympia

Sigilyph (Lv. 44) ♀
Ability: Magic Guard
-Air Slash
-Light Screen

Slowking (Lv. 45) ♀
Ability: Oblivious
-Calm Mind
-Power Gem

Meowstic (Lv. 48) ♀
Ability: Infiltrator
-Calm Mind
-Fake Out
-Shadow Ball

8. Wulfric

Abomasnow (Lv. 56) ♂
Ability: Snow Warning
-Ice Beam
-Ice Shard
-Energy Ball

Cryogonal (Lv. 55)
Ability: Levitate
-Ice Beam
-Confuse Ray
-Flash Cannon

Avalugg (Lv. 59) ♂
Ability: Ice Body
-Gyro Ball

That's all the movesets for the X&Y gym leaders. Wish they had a lot more potential.
NOTE: None of their Pokémon have held items.
Source: Bulbapedia

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