OK I've got some numbers from our own database here at PokemonDb. But I realised that the way you are asking for this isn't all that useful, because it's skewed by how many Pokemon are in the game's Pokedex. For example the Kanto Pokedex is the original 151 Pokemon, but Kalos has 450 Pokemon and Galar has 400, so those are always going to be higher.
Anyway here are the regions for each type, with the number of Pokemon in brackets:
Normal = Kalos (59)
Fire = Galar (27)
Water = Kalos (76)
Electric = Kalos (26)
Grass = Kalos & Galar (41)
Ice = Galar (27)
Fighting = Galar (32)
Poison = Kalos (52)
Ground = Kalos (44)
Flying = Kalos (69)
Psychic = Kalos (44)
Bug = Kalos (43)
Rock = Kalos (37)
Ghost = Galar (37)
Dragon = Kalos (29)
Dark = Kalos (37)
Steel = Galar (26)
Fairy = Galar (31)
You may have noticed a pattern there... maybe percentages would be better? I'll update this if I get time later.