Meowth-Alola @ Eviolite / Blunder Policy
Ability: Rattled
Level: 5
EVs: 196 SpA / 116 SpD / 196 Spe
Timid Nature
- Hypnosis
- Nasty Plot
- Dark Pulse
- U-turn / Thunderbolt / Water Pulse
Hypnosis to cripple an opponent, and start boosting with Nasty Plot. Dark Pulse is good STAB, U-turn allows you to pivot, Thunderbolt is coverage, and Water Pulse is weaker coverage with a chance to confuse. Eviolite makes it bulkier, and Rattled is the only good Ability Meowth-A gets in relation to this set (though Technician could be used if you do decide on Water Pulse). Eviolite increases bulk, but Blunder Policy can be used for a gimmicky strategy in conjunction with Hypnosis.