PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

Just curious. The Pokemon would be in the Galar dex.

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It might be just me but.. what?
I don’t understand either. @POKEPOKE1234567 could you elaborate?
Perhaps an example would help?
likely answer: if she/he transfers a pokemon fro GO to HOME, and it was not discovered in SwSh, (e.g. swablu, zigzagoon etc), then would they, have the respective dex entry in their Shield account?

just a guess though, but that's what sounds right to me :)
Sry, I meant that is if I transfer a Pokémon that is in the Galar dex using Pokémon home to Swsh, would I get the dex entry?

2 Answers

1 vote


Transferring Pokémon through HOME to a game will cause you to get the Pokédex entry if you don’t already have it. However, the game will not tell you it has more entries, but they will be there in your Pokédex.

(PS. Same goes for Pokébank)

Source:Experience, I use Pokémon HOME a lot.

0 votes

There are some restrictions on moving them from Go to other games:

In order to bring certain Pokémon caught in Pokémon GO and transferred to Pokémon HOME into Pokémon Sword or Pokémon Shield, you must either have registered that Pokémon’s species to your Pokédex or have obtained a Pokémon of that species at any point in that game.

Source (section 'Pokémon HOME and Pokémon GO can now link')

I'm not sure which 'certain' Pokémon it refers to, but it's likely Mythical and possibly Legendary.

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