PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

Because in all my years of playing Pokemon, throughout every Generation(except 8), I have never, ever found an item in a trashcan, am I just searching the wrong ones, or are they always empty, also list the ones where and in which game has something, and if possible, the item it has. Thanks.

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Not all trash cans are empty: for example, you can find a Hyper Potion on one of the trash cans on SS Anne
*Hyper Potion    B1F, on the trash can in the lower right corner (hidden)     FR  LG*
Source: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/S.S._Anne
Most of the trash cans are empty, bur there are the ones with items, and these items can be detected by the Itemfinder/ Dowsing Machine
If the person that posted that comment and similar ones believed it was good enough to be an answer, they would've posted an answer.
The question asked for a complete list.
Imagine if someone with all the games was walking around and checking the trashcans one at a time lol

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

There are many trash cans with items in them. Here's the list I came up with:

S.S. Anne- Great Ball in the lowest trash can in the kitchen.

Celadon City: In the restaurant, the trash has Leftovers.

S.S. Tidal: Leftovers in the trash can in the storage.
Abandoned Ship- Room 6 Key in Room 4, hidden in the trash can.

S.S. Anne- Hyper Potion on B1F lower right corner; Chesto Berry on lowest trash can in kitchen; Cheri Berry on middle trash can in kitchen; Pecha Berry on the upper trash can.

Hotel Grand Lake- Max Revive inside a trash can in the bungalow to the northeast of the hotel entrance (requires Rock Climb).
Old Chateau- Antidote on 1F Dining Area, in the northern trash can on the west side (D/P only).
Pokémon Mansion- Trash can in the first room left from the entrance: Burn Heal (D/P), Protein (Platinum).

Village Bridge- Leftovers in the trash can under bridge.

Black 2/White 2:
Virbank city- Antidote in a trash can on the west side of the blue house south of the Pokémon Center
Nimbasa city- Revive In the trash can near the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel
Pokémon World Tournament- Zinc in the trash can near the fountain
Mistralton city- Iron in the trash can in house near Pokémon Center
Humilau city- Full Restore in the trash can of the hut containing the Roughneck who wants a Mantine
Twist Mountain- Full Restore in the trash can next to the Vending Machine (only during Spring/Summer/Autumn)
Accumula Town- Max Repel in the trash can near the benches.
Village Bridge- PP Up in the trash can in the northwest corner.

If you like trash can items, Kalos is the greatest place to go in the Pokemon World.
There are a lot of items (and Pokémon) you can find in shaking trash cans here.
Lost Hotel:

Daily trash can
Escape Rope Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Super Repel Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Max Elixir Rarely in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Dusk Ball Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
HP Up Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Protein Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Iron Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out

Tuesday trash cans
Escape Rope Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Max Repel Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Nugget Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Big Nugget Rarely in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Calcium Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Zinc Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Carbos Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out

Pokémon Village:

Daily trash can
Honey Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Poké Toy Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Pretty Wing Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Tiny Mushroom Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Big Mushroom Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Max Revive Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Mental Herb Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Thursday trash cans
Honey Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Prism Scale Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Big Mushroom Often in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Balm Mushroom Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Eviolite Rarely in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Heal Powder Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out
Revival Herb Sometimes in a trash can after a shadow leaps out

S.S. Anne- Tiny Mushroom on the lowest kitchen trash can.

Motostoke City- Pokeball: Lower tier, in the trash bin on the lower east side (reappears daily)

Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl:
Old Chateau- Antidote on 1F Dining Area, in the northern trash can on the west side.
Pokémon Mansion- Burn Heal in the trash can in the first room left from the entrance.

No surprise there, BDSP seems to copy Diamond and Pearl more than any other Pokémon remake.
...Bulbapedia's BDSP location data is incomplete still, so there may be some I missed, as that's where all of my info came from.
(Source: Bulbapedia and strategy wiki)

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You forgot the trash cans in the Abandoned Ship in RSE.
According to Bulbapedia there are none.
The keys aren't located in the trash cans, they're shining glimmers on the ground.
The article never says they're all on the ground. At least 1 or 2 of them are in a trash can.
This says that one of them is hidden in a trash can.
I'll edit it into the post then. That said, I don't think there's any other unique situation like this in any game.
The way I see it, it's not literally in the trash can, it's just placed on top of it. But I'll count it nonetheless.