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I have a lvl. 21 Poipole in Shield and am hoping to have a Sweeper Naganadel with these stats:

Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: ???
Hasty nature (+Speed, -Defence)
-Dragon Pulse
-Air Cutter
-Toxic Spikes
-Nasty Plot

Knowing that I want it to be able to set up with Toxic Spikes and Nasty Plot, and that Naganadel has mediocre HP, what EVs could I use to make it survive for that time and still KO a few Pokes? Item?

Please do NOT comment on the moveset (unless if it's to say that it's good).


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If it's a sweeper, why Toxic Spikes if it doesn't have the bulk to live through many hits?  Why Air Cutter and not something like Flamethrower to hit Steel Types?

1 Answer

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If you are planning for a simple Special Sweeper Naganadel set, 252 SpA/252 Spd/4 SpD is the way to go. It maximizes the amount of Damage output and lets you outspeed more things as well. As for the item, I would go with a Life Orb to further boost Damage output and combine that with a Nasty Plot boost, you will sweep everything that doesn't outspeed you.
I know that you said not to mention the moveset, but I would replace Toxic Spikes for Sludge Wave and Air Cutter for Flamethrower to give the ability to hit Steel types which you currently lack.

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OK, thanks! I put in Air Cutter for ground types though...
But I'll think about it!
Flying isn't super effective against Ground by the way.  It's neutral, like Fire and Dragon.  And if this helps, can you select the green checkmark next to my answer?