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Competitive was powercrept by Pokemon like Regieleki, Magearna, Urshifu, Grassy Glide Rillaboom, etc. I'd love it if there was some format I could play that takes place before the DLC (so no legends, no IoA Tutor moves, just the original base game). I realize there's a very slim chance this exists, but it would be nice so I don't have to deal with the bs that the DLC brought. OU would be preferable, but I'd enjoy really anything that allows me to play pre-DLC.

Thanks in advance.

I believe you can use a Custom Game with the - Nonexistent , but I'm not sure.
Good to know, thanks. Is there no ladder, official or not?
It's not possible to ladder with it. Only you can challenge somebody with these rules: /challenge (username), gen8ou@@@ (custom rules).
Anyone interested can read this to make one, I'm doing work on this.

1 Answer

3 votes
Best answer

Removing out DLC 2:

/challenge XScipio, gen8ou@@@ -kubfu, -urshifu, -calyrex, -regieleki, -regidrago, -glastrier, -articuno-galar, -moltres-galar, -Zapdos-galar, -slowking-galar, -nidoking, -nidoqueen, -crobat, -jynx, -electivire, -magmortar, -omastar, -kabutops, -aerodactyl, -Zapdos, -moltres, -articuno, -dragonite, -raikou, -suicune, -entei, -sceptile, -blaziken, -swampert, -aggron, -altaria, -cradily, -armaldo, -absol, -walrein, -relicanth, -salamence, -metagross, -regirock, -regice, -registeel, -latias, -latios, -spiritomb, -garchomp, -uxie, -mesprit, -Azelf, -heatran, -regigigas, -cresselia, -victini, -audino, -carracosta, -archeops, -cryogonal, -tornadus-therian, -thundurus-therian, -landorus-therian, -genesect, -tyrantrum, -aurorus, -carbink, -diancie, -volcanion, -tapu koko, -tapu lele, -tapu bulu, -tapu fini, -nihilego, -buzzwole, -xurkitree, -celesteela, -kartana, -guzzlord, -poipole, -naganadel, -stakataka, -blacephalon, -expanding force, -steel roller, -scale shot, -meteor beam, -misty explosion, -grassy glide, -rising voltage, -terrain pulse, -skitter smack, -burning jealousy, -lash out, -poltergeist, -corrosive gas, -coaching, -flip turn, -triple axel, -dual wingbeat, -scorching sands

Removing out DLC 1:

/challenge XScipio, gen8ou@@@ -kubfu, -urshifu, -calyrex, -regieleki, -regidrago, -glastrier, -articuno-galar, -moltres-galar, -Zapdos-galar, -slowking-galar, -nidoking, -nidoqueen, -crobat, -jynx, -electivire, -magmortar, -omastar, -kabutops, -aerodactyl, -Zapdos, -moltres, -articuno, -dragonite, -raikou, -suicune, -entei, -sceptile, -blaziken, -swampert, -aggron, -altaria, -cradily, -armaldo, -absol, -walrein, -relicanth, -salamence, -metagross, -regirock, -regice, -registeel, -latias, -latios, -spiritomb, -garchomp, -uxie, -mesprit, -Azelf, -heatran, -regigigas, -cresselia, -victini, -audino, -carracosta, -archeops, -cryogonal, -tornadus-therian, -thundurus-therian, -landorus-therian, -genesect, -tyrantrum, -aurorus, -carbink, -diancie, -volcanion, -tapu koko, -tapu lele, -tapu bulu, -tapu fini, -nihilego, -buzzwole, -xurkitree, -celesteela, -kartana, -guzzlord, -poipole, -naganadel, -stakataka, -blacephalon, -expanding force, -steel roller, -scale shot, -meteor beam, -misty explosion, -grassy glide, -rising voltage, -terrain pulse, -skitter smack, -burning jealousy, -lash out, -poltergeist, -corrosive gas, -coaching, -flip turn, -triple axel, -dual wingbeat, -scorching sands, -Slowpoke-Galar, -Slowbro-Galar, -Zarude, -slowpoke, -slowbro, -slowking, -lopunny, -chansey, -blissey, -wigglytuff, -lurantis, -talonflame, -luxray, -klefki, -alakazam, -tentacruel, -dunsparce, -bouffalant, -lickilicky, -druddigon, -scolipede, -amoonguss, -comfey, -tangrowth, -Zoroark, -starmie, -emolga, -dedenne, -Magnezone, -sharpedo, -stoutland, -miltank, -scyther, -Scizor, -pinsir, -heracross, -palossand, -Azumarill, -poliwag, -poliwrath, -politoed, -golduck, -exploud, -skarmory, -lycanroc, -mienshao, -sandshrew, -sandshrew-alola, -sandslash, -sandslash-alola, -marowak, -marowak-alola, -kangaskhan, -krookodile, -volcarona, -dragalge, -clawitzer, -seadra, -kingdra, -lilligant, -exeggutor, -exeggutor-alola, -porygon2, -Porygon-Z, -magearna, -libero, -sniper

Phew, it was long and tedious. Replace "XScipio" with the desired username and "gen8ou" with the desired format. Note you can only do this by challenging somebody, you can't do on ladder, though.

Hope this helps!

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Thank you!
No problem.