PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I feel like this is trivial, and an answer would take too long for what it's worth. Why do you want to know this?
I'm going to write a program to find this. I'll have an answer within an hour.
Well nevermind. Looks like I was beaten to the punch.

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Gen 1

Bulbasaur - Venusaur
Charmander - Charizard
Squirtle - Blastoise
Caterpie - Butterfree
Weedle - Beedrill
Pidgey - Pidgeot
Pichu - Raichu/Alolan Raichu
Nidoran (F) - Nidoqueen
Nidoran (M) - Nidoking
Cleffa - Clefable
Igglybuff - Wigglytuff
Zubat - Crobat
Oddish - Vileplume/Bellossom
Poliwag - Poliwrath/Politoed
Abra - Alakazam
Machop - Machamp
Bellsprout - Victreebel
Geodude/Alolan Geodude - Golem/Alolan Golem
Magnemite - Magnezone
Gastly - Gengar
Rhyhorn - Rhyperior
Happiny - Blissey
Horsea - Kingdra
Mime Jr. - Mr. Rime
Elekid - Electivire
Magby - Magmortar
Porygon - Porygon-Z
Dratini - Dragonite

Gen 2

Chikorita - Meganium
Cyndaquil - Typhlosion
Totodile - Feraligatr
Togepi - Togekiss
Mareep - Ampharos
Azurill - Azumarill
Hoppip - Jumpluff
Swinub - Mamoswine
Larvitar - Tyranitar

Gen 3

Treecko - Sceptile
Torchic - Blaziken
Mudkip - Swampert
Galarian Zigzagoon - Obstagoon
Wurmple - Beautifly/Dustox
Lotad - Ludicolo
Seedot - Shiftry
Ralts - Gardevoir/Gallade
Slakoth - Slaking
Whismur - Exploud
Aron - Aggron
Budew - Roserade
Trapinch - Flygon
Duskull - Dusknoir
Spheal - Walrein
Bagon - Salamence
Beldum - Metagross

Gen 4

Turtwig - Torterra
Chimchar - Infernape
Piplup - Empoleon
Starly - Staraptor
Shinx - Luxray
Gible - Garchomp

Gen 5

Snivy - Serperior
Tepig - Emboar
Oshawott - Samurott
Lillipup - Stoutland
Pidove - Unfezant
Roggenrola - Gigalith
Timburr - Conkeldurr
Tympole - Seismitoad
Sewaddle - Leavanny
Venipede - Scolipede
Sandile - Krookodile
Gothita - Gothitelle
Solosis - Reuniclus
Vanillite - Vanilluxe
Klink - Klinklang
Tynamo - Eelektross
Litwick - Chandelure
Axew - Haxorus
Deino - Hydreigon

Gen 6

Chespin - Chesnaught
Fennekin - Delphox
Froakie - Greninja
Fletchling - Talonflame
Scatterbug - Vivillon
Flabébé - Florges
Honedge - Aegislash
Goomy - Goodra

Gen 7

Rowlet - Decidueye
Litten - Incineroar
Popplio - Primarina
Pikipek - Toucannon
Grubbin - Vikavolt
Bounsweet - Tsareena
Jangmo-o - Kommo-o
Cosmog - Solgaleo/Lunala

Gen 8

Grookey - Rillaboom
Scorbunny - Cinderace
Sobble - Inteleon
Blipbug - Orbeetle
Rookidee - Corviknight
Rolycoly - Coalossal
Impidimp - Grimmsnarl
Hatenna - Hatterene
Dreepy - Dragapult

And that is all! That wasn’t as tedious as I thought it would be.

Source -Hope I helped!

selected by
4 votes

Gen 1

  • Bulbasaur -> Ivysaur -> Venusaur
  • Charmander -> Charmeleon -> Charizard
  • Squirtle -> Wartortle -> Blastoise
  • Caterpie -> Metapod -> Butterfree
  • Weedle -> Kakuna -> Beedrill
  • Pidgey -> Pidgeotto -> Pidgeot
  • Pichu -> Pikachu -> Raichu
  • Nidoran♀ -> Nidorina -> Nidoqueen
  • Nidoran♂ -> Nidorino -> Nidoking
  • Cleffa -> Clefairy -> Clefable
  • Igglybuff -> Jigglypuff -> Wigglytuff
  • Zubat -> Golbal -> Crobat
  • Oddish -> Gloom -> Vileplume/Bellosom
  • Poliwag -> Poliwhirl -> Poliwrath
  • Abra -> Kadabra -> Alakazam
  • Machop -> Machoke -> Machamp
  • Bellsprout -> Weepinbell -> Victreebel
  • Geodudre -> Graveler -> Golem
  • Alolan Geodude -> Alolan Graveler -> Alolan Golem
  • Magnemite -> Magneton -> Magnezone
  • Gastly -> Haunter -> Gengar
  • Rhyhorn -> Rhydon -> Rhyperior
  • Happiny -> Chansey -> Blissey
  • Horsea -> Seadra -> Kingdra
  • Elekid -> Electabuzz -> Electivire
  • Magby -> Magmar -> Magmortar
  • Porygon -> Porygon2 -> Porygon-Z
  • Dratini -> Dragonair -> Dragonite

Gen 2

  • Chikorita -> Bayleef -> Meganium
  • Cyndaquil -> Quilava -> Typhlosion
  • Totodile -< Croconaw -> Feraligatr
  • Togepi -> Togetic -> Togekiss
  • Mareep -> Flaafy -> Ampharos
  • Azurill -> Marill -> Azumarill
  • Hoppip -> Skiploom -> Jumpluff
  • Larvitar -> Pupitar -> Tyranitar

Gen 3

  • Treecko -> Grovyle -> Sceptile
  • Torchic -> Combusken -> Blaziken
  • Mudkip -> Marshtomp -> Swampert
  • Wurmple -> Silcoom/Cascoon -> Beautifly/Dustox
  • Lotad -> Lombre -> Ludicolo
  • Seedot -> Nuzleaf -> Shiftry
  • Ralts -> Kirlia -> Gardevoir/Gallade
  • Slakoth -> Vigoroth -> Slaking
  • Whismur -> Loudred -> Exploud
  • Aron -> Lairon -> Aggron
  • Budew -> Roselia -> Roserade
  • Trapinch -> Vibrava -> Flygon
  • Duskull -> Dusclops -> Dusknoir
  • Spheal -> Sealeo -> Walrein
  • Bagon -> Shelgon -> Salamence
  • Beldum -> Metang -> Metagross

Gen 4

  • Turtwig -> Grotle -> Torterra
  • Chimchar -> Monferno -> Infernape
  • Piplup -> Prinplup -> Empoleon
  • Starly -> Staravia -> Staraptor
  • Shinx -> Luxio -> Luxray
  • Mime Jr. -> Galarian Mr. Mime -> Mr. Rime
  • Gible -> Gabite -> Garchomp
  • Swinub -> Piloswine -> Mamoswine

Gen 5

  • Snivy -> Servine -> Serperior
  • Tepig -> Pignite -> Emboar
  • Oshawott -> Dewott -> Samurott
  • Lillipup -> Herdier -> Stoutland
  • Pidove -> Tranquill -> Unfezant
  • Roggenrola -> Boldore -> Gigalith
  • Timburr -> Gurdurr -> Conkeldurr
  • Tympole -> Palpitoad -> Seismitoad
  • Sewaddle -> Swadloon -> Leavanny
  • Venipede -> Whirlipede -> Scolipede
  • Sandile -> Krokorok -> Krookodile
  • Gothita -> Gothorita -> Gothitelle
  • Solosis -> Duosion -> Reuniclus
  • Vanillite -> Vanillish -> Vanilluxe
  • Klink -> Klang -> Klinklang
  • Tynamo -> Eelektrik -> Eelektross
  • Litwick -> Lampent -> Chandelure
  • Axew -> Fraxure -> Haxorus
  • Deino -> Zweilous -> Hydreigon

Gen 6

  • Chespin -> Quilladin -> Chesnaught
  • Fennekin -> Braixen -> Delphox
  • Froakie -> Frogadier -> Greninja
  • Fletchling -> Fletchinder -> Talonflame
  • Scatterbug -> Spewa -> Vivillon
  • Flabébé -> Floette -> Florges
  • Honedge -> Doublade -> Aegislash
  • Goomy -> Sliggoo -> Goodra

Gen 7

  • Rowlet -> Dartrix -> Decidueye
  • Litten -> Torracat -> Incineroar
  • Popplio -> Brioone -> Primarina
  • Pikipek -> Trumbeak -> Toucannon
  • Grubbin -> Charjabug -> Vikavolt
  • Bounsweet -> Steenee -> Tsareena
  • Jangmo-o -> Hakamo-o -> Kommo-o
  • Cosmog -> Cosmoem -> Solgaleo/Lunala

Gen 8

  • Grookey -> Thwackey -> Rillaboom
  • Scorbunny -> Raboot -> Cinderace
  • Sobble -> Drizzile -> Inteleon
  • Rookidee -> Corvisquire -> Corviknight
  • Blipbug -> Dottler -> Orbeetle
  • Rolycoly -> Carkol -> Coalossal
  • Hatenna -> Hattrem -> Hatterene
  • Impidimp -> Morgrem -> Grimmsnarl
  • Galarian Zigzagoon -> Galarian Linoone -> Obstagoon
  • Dreepy -> Drakloak -> Dragapult

Hope this helps! Please comment if anything missing.

edited by
This is displayed better then mine XD. Anyway, you missed Alolan Geodude to Alolan Golem, Horsea to Kingdra, Mime Jr. to Mr. Rime, Galarian Zigzagoon to Obstagoon, and Lillipup.
Added them, thanks!