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5 votes

I'm wondering because of the differences between a 3D model and a sprite

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Do you want answer in yes or no?
Sure? As long as it tells me whether Spinda’s patterns are consistent or not. I don’t have a copy of gen 5 so I can’t test it myself.
How did you prove this? There are billions of Spinda patterns.
But that's what my answer is. It's different.
Ok, but how did you prove it? Did you just take the DB sprites? How do you know the exact same sprite was used?
Yes I took DB sprites. Spinda has 4 billion sprites realeased so far. It's impossible to say the exact answer I guess. But this can be confirmed that new gen 6 sprites would have been added (atleast a few).
It's possible to find a definite answer by transferring a Spinda from Gen 5 to Gen 6. If you didn't do this, I strongly doubt your answer is correct (or if it somehow is, you don't have good enough proof).
Uh then I'm hiding it.
I could hack myself a spinda and try to transfer it, the only downside is that i dont have bank, so ill have to steal my brothers ds, or wait until i have some extra cash after paying bills. May take some time, either way. I should be good in like a month, if no one else does by then
are u really gonna pay money to answer a question on pokemondb.net/pokebase
Yes, do u have an issue
Knowing how Pokemon become 3d, it is not likely it will be the same (example a heart on it's chest could go away). If you really like the design on your Spinda I wouldnt transfer it.
If you're not sure, why are you answering?
I never said I am not sure, I am confident with my answer.
Why are you confident with this answer?
You don't have any concrete evidence like a source. You also added the word likely into your answer which makes it clear you don't know if what you're saying is true or not. You don't seem very confident with your answer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you don't have a source at least test that in-game before answering...

1 Answer

2 votes

For the most part, yes. Every Spinda has a random personality value that determines the coordinates of its four spots; some of these spots may overlap or lie entirely outside the sprite boundary, resulting in fewer than four spots or spots that are non-circular. While this random value is retained when transferred to later generations, the exact size, shape, and relative position of the spots changes slightly each generation. In most cases the difference is negligible and the pattern is for all intents and purposes identical, but in some cases the change in size and position can cause previously invisible spots to become visible after transfer to a later generation.

For example, the default Spinda pattern with a personality value of 0 has a single spot on its forehead (and a tiny sliver of a spot on its left ear that you can't really see unless you zoom in); the other two spots are completely invisible. If you transfer this Spinda to gen 6 however, one of the missing spots is shifted so it is now visible on Spinda's right ear.

How do you know this?