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It seems endless but its impossible despite me being a charizard and torterra lv 100


1 Answer

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well the west is easiest to complete in my opinion.

Zero Isle West is a dungeon Pokémon
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and
Explorers of Darkness and Pokémon
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky. It
is one of the hardest dungeons in the
game. No Pokémon found within the
dungeon are recruitable. Like its
opposite, Zero Isle East, players must
start at Level 1 when entering and
regain their stats upon exiting.
However, Zero Isle West causes players
to lose all items that they had inside
their Treasure Bag. It is also notable
that Castform appears on almost every
floor. At the end of the dungeon, the
player can find an amber tear at the

>40 floors

Zero Isle South is a dungeon in
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of
Time and Explorers of Darkness and
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of
Sky. Players must start at Level 1,
have no items in their Treasure Bag or
any Poké, travel alone without any
partners, and cannot recruit any wild
Pokémon. This, and Destiny Tower are
the ultimate dungeons of the sequel,
much like how Purity Forest is the
ultimate dungeon of the first game.
There are locked chambers on various
floors throughout the dungeon which
contain specialized items for
legendary Pokémon or Reviver Seeds.
There is also one on the B96 Floor
that contains a Miracle Chest. Kecleon
are found throughout the dungeon and
they sell extremely rare items. At the
very end of the dungeon is a single
deluxe box that will contain either a
Joy Seed or a Life Seed. The key
chamber items are as follows: B15F:
Time Shield (Dialga), Wish Mantle
(Jirachi), Chrono Veil (Celebi),
Reviver Seed, or Wonder Gummi B25F:
Rainbow Veil (Ho-Oh), Bolt Fang
(Raikou), Flare Fang (Raikou), Aqua
Mantle (Suicune), Reviver Seed, or
Wonder Gummi B30F: Life Seed and Joy
Seed B96F: Miracle Chest

>99 floors

Zero Isle East is a dungeon in Pokémon
Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time and
Explorers of Darkness. It is one of
the hardest dungeons in the game.
Unlike Zero Isle North, the player can
gain Experience points. However, the
player must start at Level 1 (both
moves and statistics) and can only
bring 16 items with them. The player's
level and stats will be restored once
they leave the dungeon and will retain
any items found within. In addition,
if the player teaches a Pokémon a TM
during the dungeon, it will be lost.
Zero Isle East has a total of 40
floors and the Pokémon naturally found
there cannot be recruited. At the end
of the dungeon, the player can pick up
a treasure chest and the trade item
White Silk.

>40 floors

Zero Isle North is a dungeon in
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of
Time and Explorers of Darkness and
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of
Sky. It is one of the hardest dungeons
as it has Pokémon that can be as high
as Level 90 and cannot be recruited.
Also, the player will not earn any
experience points. The dungeon itself
consists of 75 floors, which
contributes to the difficulty of the
setting. At the end of the dungeon,
the player can pick up two Wonder
Gummis, the Golden Mask, and the
Wonder Chest.

>75 floors

Zero Isle Center is a new dungeon
introduced in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon:
Explorers of Sky. It is similar to
Zero Isle North in that it doesn't
allow the gaining of experience or the
recruiting of Pokémon. However, the
Pokémon here are much higher leveled,
and fewer items are allowed. It is
unlocked after making 150 trades at
the Recycle Shop at Spinda's Café.

>50 floors

-from bulbapedia

advice. bring a smoochum.

bring a legendary.

bring your hero.

bring a dark or fighting type.

dont try to recruit, its impossible.

master your IQ. makes it much easier

edited by
How many floors is zero isle west and south?
sorry just fixed it
On south shouldnt flare fang belong to entei, not raikou?