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An example is: Normal/Grass, Normal/Fighting, Normal/Water, Normal/all other types that I hadn't listed with Normal. The same goes for all other types. This obviously excludes the type and itself.


3 Answers

0 votes
Best answer

Water, Psychic and Flying have each been paired with all the other types. They are the only types to have done so.

Hope I helped!

edited by
You forgot psychic.
dark now as well
dark normal is alolan raticate
dark flying is murkrow
dark poison is qwilfish
dark ice is snesall
dark fire is houndoom
dark ghost was sableye
dark fighting is scrafty
dark steel is bishard
dark dragon is hydreigon
dark psychic is malamar
dark fairy is grimmmsnarl
dark grass was zarude and and wochien
dark ground is ting-lu
poison-dark was alolan muk
dark water sharpedo
rock dark is tyrantitar
electric dark was morpeko both forms
and the last one in bug dark iss lokix based off lokis and as a version of chainsaw man by the looks of its rear legs
2 votes

As of gen 8, psychic has been paired with every type.
List of Pokemon just to confirm
Normal: Girafarig
Fire: Victini
Water: Slowpoke
Electric: Raichu
Grass: Exeggutor
Ice: Mr. Mime
Fighting: Mewtwo
Poison: Slowbro
Ground: Claydol
Flying: Articuno
Psychic: Abra
Bug: Dottler
Rock: Lunatone
Ghost: Hoopa
Dragon: Latias
Dark: Inkay
Steel: Beldum
Fairy: Rapidash

Mewtwo isn't Fighting/Psychic type. A Fighting/Psychic type that I know is Gallade.
Mega Mewtwo X is, I believe
Oh. That makes sense. Shouldn't it say Mega Mewtwo-X though?
1 vote

now grass has paired with every single type
(in no order whatsoever, here are the types.)
grass-ghost: decidueye
grass-psychic: exeggutor
grass-fire: scovillian
grass-ice: abomasnow
grass-bug: leavanny
grass-fairy: whimsicott
grass-rock: cradily
grass-steel: ferrothorn
grass-ground: torterra
grass-electric: rotom lawnmower form
grass-water: ludicolo
grass-dragon: appletun
grass-flying: tropius
grass-ghost: phantump
grass-fighting: breloom
grass-normal: arboliva
grass-poison: venusaur
grass-dark: cacturne
and thats it
all 18 types paired with the grass type
