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These 'mons include Dialga, Giratina, Groudon, Kyogre, Kyurem (Both Forms), Palkia, Rayquaza (and Mega), Reshiram, Xerneas, Yveltal and Zekrom.

Only Choice Scarf Kyogre is very popular, the rest aren't. Most Xerneas use Power Herb, and most Yveltal has Max Airstream to raise its speed. But what about the rest?

Edit: I am asking if these 'mons are viable to run a Choice Scarf to outspeed Calyrex-Shadow, Zacian-C, Eternatus, Ultra-Necrozma, Rayquaza-Mega etc and potentially OHKO them. If they didn't, then their scarf becomes waste. Half of the above mentioned 'mons are not viable, but if they run Scarf, would they be viable?

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2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

I will go on each 'mon you mentioned.
Dialga: It's a decent Stealth Rock setter along with Dragon Tail, but Primal Groudon is better in every way possible. One exception would be of checking Kyogre, but defensive sets do, not Choice Scarf.
Giratina: What? Choice Scarf on this is really funny. It is more of a Primal Groudon bulky check, so Choice Scarf is very, very bad on it.
Groudon: Choice Scarf is decent, but not potentially good. Swords Dance+Aerial Ace (Max Airstream) is always better.
Kyogre: Blue Orb is much better than Scarf, and most are Blue Orb over Choice Scarf due to the latter losing to Primal Groudon so easily.
Kyurem: Normal Kyurem and Kyurem-Black are very bad (and lame of course). Scarf Kyurem-White is good, but it's too unworthy to fit of due to Primal Groudon and bulky Arceus support formes.
Palkia: Two words. Assault Vest Palkia go brrr. This is its only use, and for checking Kyogre, which many other things do better.
Rayquaza-Mega: How can you say Scarf isn't used? It is used on M-ray, mostly for surprising teams.
Reshiram: Reshiram isn't very good. Choice Specs is better.
Zekrom: It gets Dragon Dance so why Scarf?
Xerneas: Scarf Xerneas is used, but Geomancy is better in every way.
Yveltal: The addition of Dynamax has made Life Orb sets much much, very much better than Scarf.

I am asking if these 'mons are viable to run a Choice Scarf to outspeed Calyrex-Shadow, Zacian-C, Eternatus, Ultra-Necrozma, Rayquaza-Mega etc and potentially OHKO them. If they didn't, then their scarf becomes waste. Half of the above mentioned 'mons are not viable, but if they run Scarf, would they be viable?

Staying Choice Locked isn't always a good thing. Dynamax already makes them better, so why Scarf?
Hope this help.

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Thank you Swastik! I was wondering if I should use it or not.
No problem.
1 vote

Yes. As shown here , many Pokemon are recommended for scarf, including some ubers.(which are basically natdex ag mons becoz only rayquaza-mega is ag..). In carlex-shadow's sample set, one set is for scarf and lunala is recommended for scarf.
And also as you said kyogre-scarfspout varient is popular. Even scarf groudon with blades, heat crash, stone edge is not uncommon. Scarf galarian darmanitan with Gorilla tactics is also a great choice. Scarf dracovish , keldeo and kartana are also very good. Naganadel and Lando therian are also amazingly good.
Hope I Helped!

EDIT: few more examples

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Calyrex-S isn't in 90s-100. Lunala is very bad now, explain with better examples.
Done swas
Thanks to you also!