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2 votes

I want to know this for each main series game regions. However, for the Highest BST, this excludes Starters, Legends, Mythicals, Pseudo Legend, Forms (sorry should have specified that sooner), and Slaking. The Pokemon have to be final evolved. If multiple Pokemon share the same high or low BST, then list them both.

Edit: For region, I mean just the new ones added, not old ones that can be found there. (Ex. A magikarp can be found in Unova, but a Serperior got a buffet bringing it's BST to 610. You would have Serperior and not Mega-Gyarados, which has a BST of 640.)

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Hm. . . This sounds like such a annoying question to answer lol.
I am so sorry.
thanks all of you.

3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Gen 1

Highest: Arcanine (555)
Lowest: Ditto (288)

Gen 2

Highest: Blissey/Kingdra (540)
Lowest: Smeagle (250)

Gen 3

Highest: Milotic (540)
Lowest: Shedinja (236)

Gen 4

Highest: Togekiss (545)
Lowest: Kriketune (384)

Gen 5

Highest: Archeops (567)
Lowest: Wachog (420)

Gen 6

Highest: Florges (552)
Lowest: Vivillon (411)

Gen 7

Highest: Golisopod (530)
Lowest: Shiinotic (405)

Gen 8

Highest: Duraludon (535)
Lowest: Pincurchin (435)

Funny, one of my sources is my own answer. Thanks, past me.
Master Pokédex

selected by
You're still forgetting Wishiwashi and all mega evolutions.
i dont think megas should count. wishiwashi tho...
Lowest: Pincurchin (435)
@sumwun He said he didn't want forms
He/she/they/it probably said that after I posted my comment.
1 vote

Gen 1
Lowest: Ditto (288)
Highest: mega Gyarados (640)

Gen 2
Lowest: Smeargle (250)
Highest: mega Ampharos and mega Steelix (610)

Gen 3
Lowest: Shedinja (236)
Highest: mega Aggron (630)

Gen 4
Lowest: Kricketune (384)
Highest: mega Lucario (625)

Gen 5
Lowest: Watchog (420)
Highest: Archeops (567)

Gen 6
Lowest: Vivillon (411)
Highest: Florges (552)

Gen 7
Lowest: Wishiwashi (175)
Highest: school Wishiwashi (620)

Gen 8
Lowest: Pincurchin (410)
Highest: Duraludon (535)


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So this also includes Mega? And is Ash-Greninja also there? If it's, then it ties with Mega-Gyarados.
When I said each region, I meant just the new Pokemon added to the new reigon.
The question said excluding starters but not excluding mega evolutions.
Pinchurin has 435, not 410.
1 vote

Go to the sources and click on the Total icon for clarification (ignoring legendaries).

Single Click: Pokémon with lowest BST is the first one which is fully evolved when you (single) click it.
Double Click: Pokémon with highest BST is the first one which isn't a Legendary or Mythicals etc when you double click it.


Highest BST: Arcanine (555)
Lowest BST: Ditto (288)



Highest: Blissey and Kingdra (540)
Lowest: Smeargle (250)



Highest: Milotic (540)
Lowest: Shedinja (236)



Highest: Togekiss (545)
Lowest: Kriketune (384)



Highest: Archeops (567)
Lowest: Watchog (420)



Highest (Mega Evolution) - Mega Gyarados (640)
Highest: Florges (552)
Lowest: Vivillon (411)



Highest: Wishiwashi (School) (620)
Lowest: Wishiwashi (Solo) (175)

(If you don't want Wishiwashi)

Highest: Golisopod (530)
Lowest: Shiinotic (405)



Highest: Duraludon (535)
Lowest: Pincurchin (435)


Hope this helps :)

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Why are you not including any mega evolutions?
he had said some exceptions, and Mega Evolutions are temporary. However I would add them also.