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I'm playing Gen 1 LC and am just now realizing that I need a Abra counter, as of right now I'm thinking the best shot I have is to just revenge kill it with a physical attacker that's faster than it. Like Diglett, if you have something better plz answer and put movesets.

How do you play Gen 1 LC?
Pokemon Showdown

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

The only LC Pokemon with higher base speed than Abra are Voltorb and Diglett. A lot of Pokemon have the same base speed though, so you could potentially win the speed tie. These are Ponyta, Meowth, Pikachu, and Poliwag.

Voltorb can't really do much. It has 100 base speed but that's all it has. It's attacking stats are terrible. Your best bet would be getting off a Thunder Wave or just plain Exploding.

Maxed EVS
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Explosion
- Light Screen

Diglett is probably your best bet. It outspeeds Abra and has decent Attack. Earthquake is spammable STAB, you'll be getting tons of crits with Slash, Rock Slide is coverage, and Substitute because it doesn't have anything else.

Maxed EVS
- Earthquake
- Slash
- Rock Slide
- Substitute

Meowth isn't guaranteed to outspeed, but it can win the speed tie and probably KO Abra with a critical STAB Slash. This thing's movepool is horrendous.

Maxed EVs
- Slash
- Toxic
- Skull Bash
- Thunderbolt

Poliwag has the same base speed as Abra and it's special is pretty bad, but it gets access to the absolutely broken move that is Amnesia.

Maxed EVs
- Amnesia
- Hydro Pump
- Ice Beam
- Body Slam / Psychic

Ponyta and Pikachu
Simply put, don't use these two. They won't be able to do pretty much anything besides Pikachu perhaps Paralyzing it or Ponyta maybe scratching it with Double-Edge.

Maxed EVs
- Thunder Wave
- Thunderbolt
- Double-Edge
- Quick Attack / Submission

Maxed EVs
- Double-Edge
- Fire Blast
- Agility
- Swift

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I said "Simply put, don't use these two." For Ponyta and Pikachu. Also it can technically outspeed if it wins the speed tie. And that's why I looked for Pokemon to COUNTER Abra not just check it. I know they can be OHKOd
3 votes

The best counter for an LC gen 1 abra is drowzee. Drowzee has a very high special stat and resists abras most powerful move, psychic.

Ability: None
- Psychic
- Thunder Wave
- Hypnosis
- Seismic Toss

The only problem with drowzee is that it's special move pool is only psychic moves but it gets seismic toss, and in gen 1, seismic toss can hit ghost types.

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